Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 New Years Resolutions

We have linked up with Amanda at Teaching Maddeness for

Teaching Maddeness

with Diane at Teaching with Moxie for

and Jen at The Teacher's Cauldron for

3 New Year's Resolutions Linky Parties!  Wow, we'll really be held accountable here!!

Our 2013 Resolutions:

Amanda- Time Management.  I have way too much schoolwork that I am bringing home with me.  I spend hours at night and on weekends doing schoolwork so I need to use my before school time, during planning time, and a little time after school more wisely.  I'm hoping if I can get into a routine, it will become habit.  If anyone has any suggestions, please share!!

Stacia-Organization- I am usually very organized but this year has been so hectic that I can't find time to put everything in its proper place. I have piles upon piles of papers and it is driving me crazy so hopefully I will be able to sort through them and put them where they go. I hate when I say,"Where did I put that?" and I need it right that second. So, I am going to try very hard to organize papers, binders, etc. Anyone have organizing tips for the piles of papers that seem to form each day?  :)

Amanda-  Where to start.  Well, I didn't even realize there was this whole blogging world out here. (I promise I don't live under a rock, but after discovering all of this, maybe I need to "get out" more often?  I'll blame it on all of that extra schoolwork).  I've spent the break blog stalking and have done little else. So, my blogging goals are 
1) Find a way to read these awesome blogs we are following without being overwhelmed.  I LOVE reading these blogs, but I do get sucked in and I neglect many other things (cleaning, laundry, etc.- who really wants to do those things anyway?)  But I learn a lot, and there's definitely value in that!  So I want to keep reading, I just need to set time limits.  (I'm a tad OCD.  Sorry.)  ;O)
2) Blog a couple times a week about something helpful and interesting for teachers.
3) Earn/gain more followers.

Stacia- I feel like Amanda. :) I am so new to the blogging world that I have a lot to learn. My goal is to try to learn more about blogging each day. And, I want to blog as much as I can-maybe 3 times a week. :)

Amanda-  I need to find a balance.  I went through a rough patch earlier this year where I felt like I was falling short at everything (mom, teacher, wife, friend).  Because of my obsessive personality, I want to be GREAT at everything.  But, I try to tell myself sometimes I just can't be great at everything, and I need to let it go, but it's hard.  I still want to be GREAT at everything (and blogging is added to that) but I just need to balance it better.  How?  I'm not exactly sure- I'm still working on that.  My first resolution with school will help tremendously, so I hope that opens up more time for my family.  How this new blogging thing will factor in, we shall see.  I hope I won't let anyone down!  :O)

Stacia- My personal resolution is to be on time! I am ALWAYS late for everything. I think that I need to get on a good schedule where I am getting enough sleep each night. This will help me to stay on time. :)

We hope you link up for the New Years Resolution Party too!  

We love comments and new followers!!!  It's nice to know someone is reading these ramblings!!  :O)


  1. Hello ladies! I read your blog, so you are not just rambling! Good luck with your resolutions! Starting a blog is 1st on my list! And then the organizing thing as well. :)

    1. Awwwww! Thank you SO MUCH for commenting and telling us you are reading! It means so much, really it does! As soon as you start your blog, let us know! We'll be your first followers!!

      Amanda and Stacia

  2. Hi Ladies,
    I am your newest follower. Love your cute blog. The idea of sharing a blog might have inspired me to start another blog with a fellow a teacher that wants to start one but is nervous. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Good luck,

    1. :O)

      We love supporting each other and we think alike. If we both had our own blogs we'd probably be blogging about the same things and about each other! It works great for us!!

  3. Very cute blog! I am your newest follower!


  4. Hi Amanda and Stacia!
    I so appreciate you linking up with your resolutions. It makes me feel like I am not alone! I love how you are writing this blog together! Do you work at the same school? On the same team? I, too, need to get organized. I start out the school year just fine, but then everything gets so crazy. Sigh. Talk to you soon!

    Teaching With Moxie

    1. Hey Diane!
      Stacia and I do work together at the same school in 4th grade. We have known each other for 7 years, taught 3rd together for 3 years and were moved together to 4th (we are a unit, even our admin knows this!) and this is our 2nd year in 4th! We definitely support each other!! Thank you for commenting!

  5. Hi Ladies!

    Amanda, I totally understand your feeling of wanting to be great at everything! I definitely go through spurts where I am frustrated that I am not great at the different aspects of my life or doing everything I can. I think we both need to give ourselves a break!

    Stacia, I also made a resolution to wake up earlier and get to school earlier! I hate being late, but I'm constantly running behind! Good luck you!

    Love your blog girls! I'm your newest follower =)

    The Resource Room Teacher

    1. I agree- we need to give ourselves a break! I need to keep telling myself that!! Thank you for following us! We are now following you!

  6. Good Luck on your resolutions! It's great that you have the support of each other with your blog. It does take a lot of time to read, blog, etc. I didn't realize it until I started. I'm a morning person so I get my reading done before anyone gets up! :-) As for the school work part...I stopped binging papers home because I just don't do anything with them. I try to use up all my planning time to work. We (my hubby and I) get to school early and we stay about an hour after our teacher hours (only because my son doesn't get out of his school until then) so that has helped this year. You will find a balance that works for you.
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

    1. Gina,
      Thanks so much for your supportive comment! I wish I could read in the morning but I get up so early as it is, I'm not sure I could add that in. But I know I will find a way to make it work! You are so sweet to read our post and comment!!

      Happy New Year!

  7. Stacia and Amanda,
    I just heart your blog. I can really see the people behind your words. If we lived closer...I know we'd all be friends because the things you say are so "me"! I appreciate you letting us get to know you makes if fun to come to your blog everyday. I signed up by email so I never miss it :) I hope you both had a great break and are rested up and ready to roll. We're going to all miss our jammies though...right?? I'm going to link up with you all right now.

    Stephanie Ann

    1. Awww, Stephanie you are so sweet! We love your blog too!! I could definitely use a few more days in my jammies for sure! :O)


  8. Sacia and Amanda--Thank you for discovering and enjoying my blog. I love yours as well and I am now your newest follower. Please know that I am interested in contributing or helping with any of your future giveaways (don't hesitate to ask)! Maybe we can learn Rafflecopter together!

    Confessions of a Teachanista

    1. We should definitely link up for a giveaway and learn together! That sounds fun!!

  9. Just found and followed your adorable blog!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  10. Hi Stacia and Amanda,
    Love reading your post, and love how much people respond to what you write. You say what a lot of us feel! And i totally get how easy it is to feel overwhelmed by following other blogs, reading theirs, following something they write, and next thing you know, an hour or two has gone by (and no laundry's been done, or papers have been graded, etc.) Would love to have you follow my blog (just what you need - another blog to follow!) or to link up together in some way!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! We are happy to help in any way!

  11. Welcome to blogging and congratulations on reaching 100 followers:) I am your newest follower!

    I understand the want to be great at everything. This is just as dangerous for me as I have a liitle problem, I can't say no! So here's to saying no and understanding we can't be Wonderwoman all of the time:)

    The Resourceful Apple

    1. Oh gosh, we are so excited to break 100! I can't even tell you! Thank you so much for following us!!

  12. Thanks for linking up to the party! Your link led me here and I'm so glad because now I'm your newest follower! Isn't finding a balance the hardest thing ever? Especially when you have the personality that wants to be perfect at everything!? Welcome to the blogging world, where we're not perfect, but we're here to remind each other that no one is! ;)

    Teaching Maddeness

    1. Thanks so much for your linky and for following us! It's nice to be among friends! :O)

  13. I am much like you Amanda- always striving for perfection/doing EVERYTHING and getting down if I can't do it. We have to remind ourselves that we are only one person and that if we just give our best, thats OK!! I am also new to blogging so am still learning all the ins & outs! Found your blog through the Shout out linky! Happy to be your newest follower :). Looking forward to keeping up with your blog!

    Primary Teacherhood

    1. Thanks so much for following us! We are now following you!!


We love comments!! Like, super love them!! We like to reply by email (so you can see our response and we can chat back and forth) so please make sure that option is turned on in your profile settings or leave your email address here! Thanks again for taking time to comment!! It means a lot!!