Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Tree and Writing Freebies!

I am VERY excited about the holidays, but I feel like I still have so much to cover before Winter Break! I'm sure y'all are feeling the same way. :) So, I thought that I would try to bring some holiday cheer into my Language Arts lessons. I have been working on adjectives with my students, and they seem to be grasping it pretty well. They know that an adjective describes a noun, and they can identify the adjectives in sentences. So, now I want them to create their own SPARKLING ADJECTIVES!!!

I am going to have each student create their own Christmas tree pictures. I found an awesome Christmas tree made out of hearts on Marcia's blog at I love how ADORABLE it is, and it could be made across multiple grade levels. Thanks for the great idea!
I will even pull out my glitter and sequins and let the kids really go all out with it! :) Hmmmmm....I may regret the mess later... ;)
Then, after they have created a beautiful tree, they are going to describe it using as many SPARKLING ADJECTIVES as possible. I usually tell the kids to use Amazing Adjectives but I like Sparkly because it is more holidayish! :)

Here are some Language Arts freebies to get them started...You could post their artwork and stories in the hall or take a daily Language Arts grade. There is one assessment page too. Click on the freebies to download them from our store. 
Students can brainstorm their adjectives here 

Click to download

Have fun and I hope you enjoy the freebie!


  1. Girls, Thanks for stopping by my blog I just followed you right back! Have a great day!

    The Hive

  2. Thanks for the freebie! Looks like the kiddos will learn and enjoy:)

  3. I LOVE this idea! I am totally stealing it for next week! Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  4. Love the writing activities to go with the tree craft! I'm now following your blog too! :)Thanks for linking to my blog. I think I'll link back to you!
    Marcia :)

  5. I am loving this! Y'alls blog is great! I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Thank you for sharing!

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and for following us! We are following you now too! Cute blog!!!

      Amanda and Stacia


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