Sunday, January 13, 2013

100th Day Activities for Big Kids (but modifiable)

Hey there!

We are here to share some ideas for the 100th day of school.  Our 100th day is Wednesday, so we are prepping with some fun ideas!!  These ideas are for big kids, but can be easily modified for the younger kiddos!

We want our students to celebrate that they are 100 days smarter!!  So, here's how our 100 days smarter celebration will go!

In Math:
We are going to do a 100th day pattern block activity. I have done this activity every year, and the kids always LOVE it!!! :) Probably because they get to just "play" with the pattern blocks. Here are the directions: Put students in groups of 2,3,or 4 students. Then, instruct each group to get 100 pattern blocks (they can pick whatever shapes they want). Tell them to create something with their blocks. It could be anything! In the past I have had groups spell out words, or numbers, make a zoo, a tower, a flower, an animal, a robot, etc. Once they have finished their creation, have them fill in one of the graphic organizers on the next pages. Finally, let students take a “tour” of the creations. They love looking at what their classmates came up with!

Click here

Click here
In Language Arts:
We are going to have a 100 minute read in.  You are thinking, Whoa, that's a long time!  Well, actually our reading block is 2 hours, so this fits in nicely.  And believe me, we won't have them reading silently the entire time!  We will give them the sheets in the pack below to use throughout the reading block to fill in.  You can click on it for your free download.  (This is where you may need to modify...)

We are going to read Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss.  I know this is normally like an end of the year or graduation book, but I think the 100th day of school is a great day to remind students that they have the opportunity to take their learning into their own hands and push through to the end of the year.  This is when students start getting restless (just when testing is looming, of course) and they need a pep talk.  So, this is one of the books I'm going to read to them to help them fill out their 100th day Language Arts graphic organizer.  Plus, we are working on poetry and this book lends itself to a discussion about rhythm and rhyme as well.

For some of the read-in I'll let the students partner read with a buddy from their guided reading group to work on their graphic organizer and then of course I will let them work on it during their independent reading time.  If they STILL haven't filled it out, they'll have an opportunity for me to "guide" them during our read aloud time!!  (Now that's what I call a 100 minute read-in!!)

Stacia made a super cute pennant banner to celebrate the 100th day of school!  I can't wait to put it up!  It's so stinkin cute!  Download your freebie by clicking on the picture.  (Check out a free MLK Jr pennant banner from Dana at 3rd grade Gridiron and a free winter themed pennant banner from Beth Ann at Taming My Flock of Firsties-  Thank you ladies!!!)

Click here

Last, but not least, is a 100th day craftivity- "Whooo's 100 days smarter?".  I have owls as my classroom theme so I wanted to incorporate that somehow.  So, we are going to make owl heads and paste them on top of a sheet of writing paper.  Then, they will write what they think they are smarter at since coming into 4th grade.  Here is a picture of the owl I made as the example:

I used my Cricut die cute machine to cute these shapes out, but I've included a template in the download below if you want to try this craft out yourself and have the kids trace and cut them.  Just click the picture of the copy for your own copy of the craftivity.  Enjoy!!

Check out Denise's link at Sunny Days in Second Grade for more ideas!!

Check out TBA for more 100th day of school activities!  You can link up your own ideas too!  Just click the button below!

Also, Sister Teachers are having their 300 follower giveaway.   Go check it out!!  It looks awesome!!

Let us know what you think of these activities and what YOU are doing for the 100th day!!! 


  1. Replies
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      NN .

  2. I'm so excited to use the LA 100 words!! That's going to be perfect! Thanks so much for sharing ladies!! :0 <3

    ideas by jivey

  3. On the 100th Day aligns with the end of our reading blitz, so we'll be doing a read-in as well. We call is Camp Read A Lot! Students bring in flashlights and sleeping bags, and we set up tents :)

    I really like the idea of reading "Oh, the Places You Will Go" half way through the year. Thanks for sharing!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

    1. I love that they can bring in flashlights and sleeping bags and you have tents! How fun! I hope you take pictures! I can't wait to see! You are so welcome!

  4. So cute! Thanks for sharing. I am always looking for cute things to do with my 5th graders, but so much is for little kids!

    1. You are so welcome! I know- sometimes big kids are left out. :O(

  5. OOOOOOHHHH! I love all your ideas!!! The banner is SUPER cute! I already downloaded it!
    We don't have our 100th day until February 3rd. (barring any snow days!)
    Have a wonderful day!
    Thanks for the shout out! You two are great!
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  6. Thanks for the freebies! I am going to do We Survived 100 days of School from Think I got it last year but had too much other stuff to do. I like your pattern block activity too. I have first and second so I have to keep it somewhat different each year since I have them two years. My kids ask each year if they can collect 100 signatures again. They like that one. I give it to them early so they can take it to a ball game. We live in a small town and it takes a while to collect that many names:)Love your blog!

    1. I love the idea of the signatures but I bet it would take a while to collect. I will have to check out! Thanks for that tip!! :O) Thanks for commenting!

    2. The 100 Day Survivor style came from I had it wrong, sorry.

  7. Such great ideas!! I like how you designed activities for the bigger kids. Super cute banner!

    :) Jayme
    Trendy in Third

  8. I LOVE all of your ideas! The owl is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

    Compassionate Teacher

  9. Awesome 100 day activities!! What great ideas... love the owl! Thanks for sharing and thanks for giving us a shout out!!
    Sister Teachers

  10. We don't have our 100th day of school until the end of February! I feel so lucky that everyone else is celebrating their's first so I can snag all your amazing ideas :P Thank you for sharing!!


  11. Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Tuesday!
    Love the owl craftivity :)
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  12. Dating for everyone is here: ❤❤❤ Link 1 ❤❤❤

    Direct sexchat: ❤❤❤ Link 2 ❤❤❤



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