Friday, February 1, 2013

February First Five for Friday + Freebie + Flashbacks= Fantastic Fun

Can you tell we talked about alliteration this week.  I promise it won't go beyond the title of this post.  ;O)

Here are our link ups for today:


Let's take a look at our week:

1)  Stacia's class got to play with prisms last week and we got to play this week!!

Can you see the rainbows???  Pretty!!

My girls in the bottom right corner said, "Mrs. Broadnax, look, we have a rainbow colored wound on our hands!  We are bleeding Roy G. Biv!"  That's one of the things I love about 4th graders...they are clever and funny!!  But best of all, they get my little quirks and jokes, too!! (I asked them if a leprechaun was going to jump out of their hand!!  And they laughed and started making up stories!)  :O)

2)  We are still working on fractions.  It's a process for sure.  Right now we are working through making improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa.  They don't see it.  Out come the manipulatives.  And, we just learned about a new website that has TONS of common core resources for math.  You can even download the powerpoints and tweak them to meet your class's needs!!  Here it is:

You sign up (for free) and then you can search by the common core standard.  Check it out!!!  I think I may blog more about this later with visuals...maybe I'll dare to link up the a techy linky...maybe!!   ;O)

3)  We are finishing up our unit on the Road to the Revolution.  I read this book
Product Details

about the battle at Lexington and Concord.  It's a GREAT book!!  They loved it!!  It was completely silent the entire time I read it (which, these days, is a miracle with my 29 students!).  Then, we had some great discussion about it!  So much more fun than the textbook!!  And Paul Revere's famous ride finally makes sense!!

4)  We are still working on figurative language.  We made a book of similes, metaphors, and then creating metaphors from similes.  Here is a picture of our books.

The simile page says, "My sister is as funny as a clown."  Then, at the bottom he says: "a.k.a- My sister really acts like a clown."

(different author)  The metaphor page says, "My sister is a pig when it comes to food."  (I'm noticing a sister theme.)

Then they had to write a simile and make it a metaphor.  It says, "She is as busy as a bee.  ->  She is a busy bee."
They are simple, but I'll take it!!

Our freebie is a graphic organizer book for figurative language.  We hope it can help you in some way!  If you think you can use it, let us know what you think about it!  :O)


5)  Last, but not least, I headed up a Relay for Life fundraiser at our school this week.  It's for a schoolwide pajama day.  We set a schoolwide goal of $750 dollars.  We raised over $1600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so honored to have been a part of such a great fundraiser and to see these little ones bring in their money for a good cause, sometimes sacrificing their ice cream money in order to help out!  Here we are in our pjs today!!

(Stacia wasn't at school today or I'd have gotten a picture of us in our jammies together!!)  ;O)

Don't forget the big sale this weekend!! We will have our items for 20% off at Teachers Pay Teachers and 25% off at Teacher's Notebook!!  Our sale will be Saturday and Sunday!!

How was your week??


  1. Gotta love a pj day! We usually have ours the Friday before Christmas break but because we had a snow day we are holding it on Valentines day...cause that day is already crazy, why not add a little more! :)
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

    1. I know, right? If it's gonna be crazy, might as well make it really crazy!! :O)

  2. I {HEART} Learn Zillion! I use it for everything! I wrote a post about it on my blog a few weeks ago

    It's a wonderful resource!


    1. I am going to go check your post!!! Thank you for letting me know that!!

  3. Thanks for sharing about Learn Zillion. I've never heard of it, but I will definitely check it out now.

    Figurative language is so fun. I wish there was more of it in the first grade curriculum.

    Also, your kids look so cute in their PJs! Pajama days are my favorite.

    Have a great weekend!

    Compassionate Teacher

    1. Thanks!! I just love the little guy on the front row in his Super Mario snuggy and the beret!! What a mess!! ;O)

  4. I'm checking out Learn Zillion. Just had a meeting today with my team about CCSS. I'm going to share with them too! We are studying fractions. They need LOTS of practice with manipulatives. Fun! Fun!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

    1. Yes, they need lots of practice...and then it's still hard!! Just keep swimming!!

  5. I'm a new follower! I found you through the Currently linky party! I loooveeee your blog design! :)

    Congratulations on meeting your goal! What a great cause to fundraise for!

    Color Me Kinder

    1. Sorry my mistake...I meant to say I found you through "I {Heart} Recess" who I found through the Currently linky party :)

    2. Thank you!! I'm headed over to get to know you!!

  6. Congrats on such a successful fundraiser!!! That is AWESOME!! :) I've never heard of Learn Zillion....going to check it out! Thanks for sharing. :)

    Teaching Maddeness

  7. Just found your AWESOME blog! I love all of your ideas. Thanks for sharing about Learn Zillion. I will definitely be sharing this with my school.

    Learning's a Hoot


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