Friday, February 8, 2013

It's Friday!!

Hey there!  How was your week? 

Ours felt pretty busy, but I think it's that time of year, and I'm sure you all have been busy in your classrooms as well!!

Here is what we have been up to!

1) We finished our unit on light.  Here they were using concave and convex lenses to inspect a jellybean and how many spots it had on it.  :O)
2)  If you read our blog, you know we have been studying the American Revolution.  This week, we learned about George Washington's role and how he became commander-in-chief.  We also read this book:
George vs. George: The American Revolution As Seen from Both Sides
This book is full of facts about both Georges.  The kids actually really like it.  I do NOT read it all in one sitting because that would be TOO much but I read bits and pieces to give them information about them.  They filled out a compare/contrast H (I feel like 4th graders have graduated from the Venn and that middle section of the Venn is so awkward).  Then, I had them choose either George Washington or King George III out of a cup.  They did not tell anyone who they had.  I made this All About Me (George) poster for them to fill out.  They needed to fill it out in a way that the other students would know which George it was by the information on the sheet.  I am going to have this as a freebie on Monday, so come back and check it out!
3)  We are still working on fractions.  But, they finally seem to get improper and mixed numbers...mostly...

They took their test today, so I will know very soon how it went.  Stacia found this cute, free game, on TpT and my kids really like it.  It's just a different way for them to practice it in a different way.   It's a I have, Who has game but they can play in pairs or quads and make a spiral.  It's called the Mixed Number and Improper Fractions Spiral Card Game.  Click the link and it will take you to it.

4)  Stacia and I had to spend some money that our district had given us for some classroom supplies by Jan. 31st and our orders came in this week.  Our head custodian brought my box down and I clapped and told him it was like Christmas!!  I think he thought I was crazy getting so excited about supplies.  But you guys are with me, right!?!  New supplies IS like Christmas!!

So here is what came in Stacia's box:
 Here is what came in mine:
So, do you see anything wrong with these pictures????  I do!!  I see that I was cheap and tried to get the most for my money and I got generic, nonsmelly markers!!!  I see that Stacia was smart and got the best markers ever, PLUS, now they have mini-smelly-markers, too!!!  Who knew???  I think I learned my lesson.  What was I thinking??????  I wonder how much bribery it's going to take to get Stacia to share her markers with me?

The good news is, I still have one more box that should have some really fun pens in it, and I didn't go cheap this time.  So, I guess the bad came before the good and so I'll do my happy dance when that box comes too!

5)  Finally, even though I'm cheap, I'm super excited about this purchase!!  
We do have a laminator at school that we can use, but with my luck, it's never on or hot when I need it.  It's a bit of a hike to get to the media center from my room (we have a big building) and half the time I forget to take my stuff down there when we are traveling to specials.  Anyway, it's just been a process for me to get my stuff laminated at times.  So, I saw Noelle from The Frizz in First Grade mention this last week on her Five for Friday and she so sweetly replied to my comment and gave me more info.  I got this laminator for $25 at Target.  It's the kind that you put the paper in the pouch and it goes through, and VOILA!  Done.  It took no time to warm up!!  I didn't want to spend a ton on a laminator since we have one at school and I really just wanted it as a "spare" for when I just can't get my stuff done at school.  This is the perfect solution!!  I went to SAM's and got 200 sheets for $20.  I feel pretty good about it!!  And, it's the HARD lamination, not the flimsy kind!  I've almost talked Stacia into one!!  :O)

A great big thank you to these two ladies for letting us link up!
Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching    
Amanda at Teaching Maddeness
So, do you think my awesome laminator outweighs my not-so-awesome markers???


  1. I'd like to say the laminator wins- but I HATE cutting lamination and wouldn't want an excuse to do it, so I'd have to say Stacia wins. :-P

  2. Your laminator wins! I love my personal laminator. I have it for the same reason you got one. It's great!

    Compassionate Teacher

  3. At first I was so excited to see those smelly markers. I really love those. Then, I saw the laminator. That is fantastic. It is NEVER heated up at my school. You will have to keep us updated on how it is working. I'm thinking I just might have to get one of those.

    Eclectic Educating

  4. We used an expert from the George vs George book this week as well :) I love new supplies, unfortuneatly my supply order did not get filled this year due to bookkeeper error :( I want a personal laminator! Very jealous :)

    Thanks for your awesome comment! I too love that we teach the same things and can share/steal ideas :)


  5. I have my own laminator and it was the best purchase I ever made!! At my school, you have to give your things to be laminated to the librarian and he laminates it. Being that I'm a bit of a control freak, this was not my favorite idea. Now, I'm always laminating things and it's a thicker laminate so it stays nicer longer! Have fun! =)

    The Resource Room Teacher

  6. Getting new supplies really IS like Christmas! I bought my personal laminator from Wal-Mart a few years ago while I was still going through college. The thick lamination is fabulous!

    Adventures in First with Mrs. Key

  7. I don't know what I ever did without my laminator!! That is the best and totally outweighs markers:) Haha! Sorry Stacia:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  8. I know what you mean about rejoicing over supplies - I always scream for joy when my Scholastic Book Order Box comes and run down to the office to pick it up - the secretary thinks I'm nuts! :)

    I'm really interested in the George vs. George book - I'll have to check that out ASAP.

    I have just gotten a personal laminator too - and LOVE it!

    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Joy in the Journey

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Definitely the laminator! *LOVE* it so much, that I have one in the classroom and one at home! =)

    A+ Firsties

  11. I love markers!! All kinds :o) it's a teacher thing, right?? You will not regret a laminated... I promise! I have 2!

  12. I just bookmarked the H organizer. My student teacher thought it seemed silly, but the circles make me crazy!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  13. Ooh you will love the laminator Amanda, it is the best thing ever! I use mine incessantly, Stacia should totally get one! And thank you ladies, I had no idea Mr. Sketch made small scented markers!! I use the wide ones with my first graders when we're writing our sight words - those will be so much easier! I am off to purchase some now, thanks for the tip!

  14. You guys were busy this week too! The book about the Georges looks cool! I love teaching history but our 3rd grade curriculum doesn't include it. I sneak it in anyway! Stacia...right idea about the smelly markers. I would have picked those! I'm going TODAY for the laminator!! I'm like you...I just want it for quicky stuff. I also keep a paper cutter in my room and I have my own copier/printer. It just makes life a little easier! THANKS for always!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  15. The Mr. Sketch are the best.. I discovered the skinny ones about two or three weeks ago and I have been HOOKED ever since. It's okay though, that laminator looks awesome. I keep wanting to buy one myself, maybe over the summer :)

    Thanks for letting us know about this one. I'm always in Target, so I'll have to check it out!

  16. I love my laminator and teaching supplies are the best. I think that is why I started teaching - for all the goodies.

    The First Grade Princess

  17. That laminator has saved my life! Have fun with it!
    Apples and ABC's

  18. I love my laminator! My mom got it for me for my birthday, and she actually got a $10 rebate. Lucky her! I found the film from Amazon for $9.63 for 100, which is cheaper than Sam's. Plus, if you buy 3 of them, it is free shipping! Can't beat that! Enjoy it!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  19. Laminator wins hands down! I actually have two: one for home and one for school-I prefer the thick lamination over the thin school lamination any day! You WILL laminate EVERYTHING now! It's amazing-your students can even help you it's so easy! Congratulations on your new purchase-it's an investment! hehe
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  20. Love the All About charts - well done! Also, congrats on the laminator. That is a fantastic deal on the laminator and sheets :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher


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