Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Made It- February

We are linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It!!

I'm gonna start with our home made it.  My daughter needed to make a Valentine box for school.  She is all about zebra print right now.  Her bedroom is done in zebra, hot pink, and teal.  So, in keeping with that theme, we decided to do Valentine's Day zebra style.  At first I thought we'd just wrap a shoe box in zebra print paper, throw a bow on it, and call it a day.  But, they hold a contest for these boxes, so we wanted to make it cute (I'm not competitive at all....ahem).  So my crafty voice started talking to me and I decided we needed to do something a little more.  :O)  Here is the finished product:
Here is how we made it.


Glitter Warning- the glittery bow left millions of pieces of glitter all over the kitchen.  But it's still cute and sparkly!!  :O)

If these directions aren't good enough, here is a link where I got the idea from, but I'm not sure if I did the same steps.  

I learned that duct tape is very versatile and easy to work with.  If we taped it on crooked, it peeled right off, even off the cardstock.  And if for some reason it hadn't, we could have just taped over it and you would have never known.  :O)

The trickiest part was tracing the side arch onto the lid to get the back end because the cardstock was flimsy and moved as I traced.  I ended up doing it too tall and then hot glued it to the box and THEN trimmed it once the duct taped cardstock was on for good.

(Did any of that make a lick of sense???  Craft picture fail.)

Here's my made it for school:

These are the dominoes that I made last year for the causes of the American Revolution (the domino effect- get it?).  I made the line and clipped it up.  We aren't supposed to have anything hang.  Oh well.  If Mr. Fire Marshall comes I'll just play, "Whaaaaat?  We aren't supposed to hang a string?   Well I declare, I had no idea!" says Amanda in her Scarlet O'Hara voice.

This is a picture of my Road to Revolution Bulletin board.  Last year I had one really long board.  This year I have 2 short boards.  I made one long timeline last year but now I'm splitting it into causes and then the actual revolution.  I put the dates and the line up.  The sheets were printed with the names of the events.  The students work in pairs and draw what happened on paper and then we put that up with the date.  They LOVE doing this and it's a great visual reminder of what happened.

Here are some Valentine centers that I printed, laminated, and cut out.  I'm super excited to use them!!  If you'd like to know where I got them from, click here for that post.

Last, but not least, I got these Monster Fraction Centers from Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper!  We are just diving into our fractions unit so they are going to have fun with these!!!  They are so cute!!
(The super cute glitter borders and hearts came from The Bubbly Blonde!)

Phew!!  I think that about covers it.  I hope you're a visual learner because this post is full of pictures!!!  Head over to the linky to find more ideas from Monday Made It!

So, what do you think about the Valentine box?  You can be honest!!  I can take it!!  ;O)


  1. That mailbox is super cute!!! We aren't allowed to have strings hanging or anything hanging from the ceiling. We also have a percentage of how much wall space we can cover...but the school gives us so much mess to hang up that I think I am well over that limit too!

  2. I love the mailbox, it came out amazing!! (Of course I may be biased due to my adoration of all things zebraesque!!)

  3. That Vday box is just adorbs!!!! Love it:) How fun! Thanks for linking up:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. The Valentine holder is super cute! That's a great idea and it also saves the teachers the work of figuring what to have the kids make for their Valentines!
    Literacy Spark

  5. I LOVE THAT mailbox!! You had me at zebra print! If I was a judge, she'd win, hands down!! I wouldn't even look at the other mailboxes. =) How funny are you and your Scarlet O'Hara voice?!If my ceiling was lower, I would totally hang stuff from it. I'm sure I'd be breaking fire code for that too! =)
    Sister Teachers

  6. That Valentine box is just TOO cute and creative!!!! I love your blog and I'm your newest follower.

    Granny Goes to School

  7. That Valentine's box is to die for!! Your girl is so adorable too:) You have been so busy and I always look forward to your posts!

    Wow! Thank you so much for the shout-out. That was SO unexpected and it made my day!! I hope your students like the centers:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  8. That mailbox has MY vote! :) And I LOVE the borders and hearts that you added to your post. So, SO, cute!
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  9. Your daughter's Valentine box is beautiful. I have never seen one so beautiful! I also really love your Road to Revolution bulletin board. What a great constant visual reminder of learning! Great ideas.

    Eclectic Educating

  10. Love the mailbox! Jealous that you're teaching the Revolution. We don't have a whole lot of deep content that the kids love in our social studies curriculum.

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  11. Love, love, love the mailbox! Too cute! And your daughter looks adorable showing it off in the picture.

    Love the American Revolution stuff too. I think I may be borrowing the domino idea. :)

    Thanks for sharing!

    Lattes and Laughter

  12. Love your Road to the Revolution bulletin board - may have to borrow that idea and adapt it to our Medieval Times unit. Thanks!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  13. In love with your daughter's mailbox! I want to make one for myself! :)

  14. I absolutely love the dominoes you did. Do you have an explanation or other post on how you organized this? I'd love to do it with my class in the upcoming weeks its so cute

    1. Hey Lindsay!

      Email me and I will tell you about them! I couldn't find an email address for you and you are a no-reply blogger so I can't email you. :O)

    2. Hi

      I did. Thanks again for getting back to me so quickly! Can't wait to get my blog up and running and share with everyone on a more in depth level. People like you ladies inspire me!

  15. Seriously the cutest valentine collector ever! Our own girlies would go gaga for it! The blue with the pink and the stripes is a fantastic combination. Love it!

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  16. What a Monday Made it!! I am in LOVE with you mailbox and your daughter's face says it all!

    Confessions of a Teachanista

  17. Love it! I just showed my daughter and we're going to try to make something like it for her V-day box (she's a fourth grader). What a cutie too :)

    Stephanie Ann

  18. Enjoying your blog! Hope that you will check mine out as well, I'm currently having a giveaway... you should enter!

    Martha :)


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