Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Show and Tell Tuesday- Favorite Read Alouds


We have totally been MIA this past week and weekend.  Did you notice?  (If you didn't, will you just tell us you did to make us feel good?)  ;O)

I'll save what we've been up to for another post because I have pictures and it doesn't go with Show and Tell Tuesday so I'll just leave you in suspense...

Anywho- We are joining Denise from Sunny Days in Second Grade for 

This Tuesday's topic- Favorite Read Alouds!

When I first saw the topic, I was like, "Yaaaay!"  and then that quickly changed to, "Oh noooooooooooooo!"

Here's why- I can't choose. 

Actually, I go blank when I try to.  It's scary.


I HATE when they throw that out as an ice breaker question in teacher workshops because I become very panicky. 

How do I choose just one?!?!?!

So, I won't.  

Choose just one, that is...

Here are a few of our favorite picture books:

(This is one of my very favorite books ever...because-  It's the first book my dad bought for me when I was in college to be a teacher [he and I went to Barnes and Noble and I wanted to get it to use for a lesson and he bought it for me] and because it reminds me of my grandmother who passed away from Alzheimer's while I was in college, studying to be a teacher.  I read it at the beginning of every year and we make memory bags that we paste into our writer's notebooks.  I LOVE it- even though it makes me want to cry every year!)

(We have a cute back to school unit that goes with this book- click here to check it out)

(I love all of the books about Skippyjon Jones- I use it to teach voice in writing- and it's just fun to read with the accent!)

(I use these for persuasive/opinion writing- and I don't care that they've already heard this story every year- I still reread it and they still love it.  I have a unit that goes with both of these books and you can click here to see it.)

(I love this book because, first of all, you get to talk like you have no teeth, and second, it's a great way to teach leads since it begins with dialogue but I also use it as an example of great writing for mystery)

(This is a fun book for teaching memoirs or diary entries- and it's just cute.)

(Stacia loves this book because it shows kids that you should never judge by appearances- it's what's inside that matters and you should give everyone a chance.)

(This is such a cute book and it has great figurative language!!  We usually use this around October and we have the students make their own monsters!  It's sooooooo cute!)

(This book is special to Stacia because it shows us that we need to stay true to who we are- we don't have to follow the crowd- and that each of us has a unique gift to share.  It's okay to be different and that's what makes our class strong- we have different gifts to share!)

(Stacia and I both LOVE this book!!  We have used it as an intro for response to literature because most kids have had a pet run or have seen a neighbor's pet run.  This book reminds me of my dogs so I LOVE it!!)

Here are a few of our favorite chapter books:
(I read it originally because it's by Andy Griffith but it's REALLY funny and clever and the kids loved it!)

(Perfect for an October read aloud- the kids get hooked and she has a bunch of "scary" stories that the kids can read once they realize they like this author!)

(All I have to do is read one chapter of this book and they are begging for more!)

(Super fun book!  I love Kate DiCamillo, can you tell?!)

(I love this series and I usually start with this one, and that's all it takes- then they want to read them all.  That's what I love about a series.  Kids will judge a book by it's cover and it's up to me to show them that they might just like it if they give it a chance!  I read one out loud and let them tackle the rest in independent reading!)

(Another great series!!)

(Another series of books I picked up because it's by Henry Winkler...a.k.a...the Fonz... but it's also very clever and funny and just fun to read!  The boys seem to like this series!)

(I like this as a guided reading group book- last year my students took parts and read it- it was really cute.  The book is set up from each student's different perspective and I like for them to see that.  And, there's a sequel.)

Ok, so these are just a few.  I can't really list them all because you would never want to sit here all night and read it!  I can't wait to see what everyone else puts as their favorites!  I love learning about new books!!  (I am a bookaholic, after all!!)  

Click the button above for Show and Tell Tuesday so you can check out everyone's posts about their favorite read alouds!!

But, before you do, comment and tell me YOUR favorite read aloud (it's hard, isn't it!?!)


  1. You know I LOVE me some Memoirs of a Goldfish!
    ideas by jivey

  2. I am SO with you on this topic...how do I choose just ONE favorite read aloud?! Impossible! I love I Wanna Iguana and use it with my Economics unit to teach wants and needs. I've added your packet to my wish TPT wishlist. Another good book for teaching voice is called Voices in the Park. I can't remember the author's name right now. It tells the same story from four different voices/points of view. I love to get into character and the kids love it!

  3. I love the Memoirs and the I Wanna New Room ... both top-notch with a twist of humor! And the Monster book ... stinkin' cute! I could never settle on just one fave, but for teaching voice, I'd add Ruthie and the (not so) Teeny Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin. AdOrAbLe!!

    The Corner On Character

  4. I love, love, love I Need My Monster. Such a fun book!!! Plus, it is great for teaching mental images :) Thanks for sharing.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  5. I totally don't blame you for listing so many books! I don't think I could choose just one or two either!

    I absolutely LOVE Wilfred Gordon McDonald Patridge! It was one of my favorite books growing up. I also love Kate DiCamillo books.

    Compassionate Teacher

  6. I can't wait to pull I Need My Monster off my bookshelf tomorrow! I know I have it and haven't even read it! Thanks for the recommendation! Love, love Enemy Pie-such a great lesson! I just linked up too! (Found her through you...thanks!)
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

    1. Just wanted to give you an update...read I Need My Monster today! My kids loved it! We have our big writing test next week, so it was nice to share a fictional story with great ideas!
      Head Over Heels For Teaching

  7. WOW! Lots of wonderful books! I found some new ones in your collection! I must get Memories of a Goldfish! We are writing memoirs now so I need it!! Wilfrid Gordon is one I use every year! LOVE it!! How nice that your dad bought it for you! I have so many favorites too. Every book I pick up to read I say to the kids "this is one of my favorites." Now they say "they're ALL your favorites!" Too funny!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  8. I love, love, love Skippyjon Jones! So much fun to read in a Spanish accent! :)

  9. Pencil of Doom is by Andy Griffiths. (with 's' at end) He's not the Andy Griffith of NC, like I thought at first. Anyway, my favorite read aloud is The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary and Charlotte's Web. I love doing different voices.

  10. Hmmm looks like I will need to read "Memoirs" I haven't read that one yet, and it's getting some rave reviews. Gotta love some Judy Blume too!

    Teaching In Oz

  11. I am your newest blog and TPT follower. I found you through a comment you left on Sister Teachers. I am starting a blog soon. It will be called Reading and Loving It. I'd love to link up with you or have you as a guest blogger.



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