Friday, February 22, 2013

Sometimes Teachers Need a Hallpass

It's definitely that time of year.  Everyone is feeling the crunch.  So much to do in so little time.  At least, that's how I feel.  Anyone else with me??

Kids are feeling the crunch too.

Sometimes they need a break.  And you know they do it.  They tell you they need to use the restroom but really they just needed to get up and take a breather for a minute.  Maybe walk slowly to restroom, play in the water fountain- really, who knows (or wants to) what they are doing sometimes.  Sometimes, teachers might wish they could take a hallpass for a breather!  So, here is our hallpass (breather) from the stress of this time of year!

(We are joining up with Reagan at Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits for her Hallpass Linky!!)

P= My favorite product.  That's hard.  Every product is a labor of love.  I guess I would have to say my most recent make:

I've already put these up in my room and gone over them with my students and they are pasted in their math journals.  The kids (and I) love them!!  They are so fun to look at.  I sometimes catch the students staring at them.  My hope is that they are reading them but they are probably just thinking how cute the superheros look (like I find myself doing) but it's ok!!  They are pretty cute!  ;O)

A= Favorite Area:  A lot of people are putting their library or their teacher space, but this is my favorite area:

This is the front corner of my room.  I love for my room to feel open, and that's pretty hard with 30 student desks.  I have pushed all the desks towards the back of the room and the sides so there is a huge open floor space at the front.  I'm big on having the kids come to the floor.  If I'm teaching, I want them up front and center with me, engaged.  If they are at their desks, they are often distracted, playing in their desks, reading, and just seem so far away.  So, we do most of our learning on the floor, or at my small group table (which means they are doing centers or games on the floor).  Yes, they are big 4th graders, but if I can sit on the floor, so can they!!  I also LOVE the window.  This space extends behind where I am standing taking the picture, so they can also sit and look at the board (which is to the left) and be ready to use the Mimio.  I love having them up with me while I am teaching!  (You can also see my library to the left of the window and my math posters at the top right!)  :O)

S-  Signal:  I used to use a bell.  I've been known to flick the lights.  This year I learned about whole brain teaching (if you don't know what that is, google it and watch some YouTube videos and you'll get the idea- I think it's great!).  So, we do the 

"Oh claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaass?" me.
"Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees?"  them.

"Classity claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaass?"  me.
"Yesitty yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees?"  them.

etc.  It has worked really well.  But honestly, my kids are so well trained (and that's partly because maybe they are older) and they just know what is about to happen and they just go ahead and transition.  It's been really nice!!  (which is not the case every year, believe me!)

S-  Sanity:  How do I keep sane?  Hmmmm.  Am I sane?  I'm not sure.  I think my students sometimes think I'm not.  ;O)  

Chocolate keeps me sane!

And when I really need it:

(Skinny Peppermint Mocha in case you were wondering)

But most of all, being able to share my stresses and successes with my teacher buds, especially Stacia.  Our rooms connect through a door by my desk and we are constantly opening the door and supporting each other whenever we need it.  I don't know how I'd do it without her!!

So, when you are stressed and it's THAT time of year, give yourself a hallpass.  Step out and take a few minutes to collect yourself.  We all need it!!  (and go link up so we can see YOUR hallpass!  And if you don't blog, tell us what YOUR hallpass would be!!)

Happy Friday,


  1. I love how your room looks so spacious. I'm with you on the carpet space. I cannot teach whole group with my students at their desks because there are just too many distractions! Neat linky...I'll link up tomorrow.
    Literacy Spark

  2. Great! Now, I'm craving a York Peppermint Patty. :)

    Your room is adorable!!! I love how open and cheerful it looks.

    Lattes and Laughter

  3. I hear ya about the candy - a chocolate fix can solve the world's toughest problems :)

    I definitely agree with you about upper elementary kids still sitting on the floor - I bring my fifth graders to my carpet to read to them or when I really want to drive a concept home. They think it's so fun - it's like a field trip each time :)

    Joy in the Journey

  4. Hey ladies! Thanks for stopping by and following me! I have enjoyed your blog posts! I might have already told you this before, but your blog is adorable, as is the name! I would gladly give you some of our snow if I could! Have a great weekend!

  5. OMG! We're so much alike! I also L-O-V-E MY set of YOUR Superhero Posters! I know it doesn't always seem as common for intermediate teachers to call their kids to the carpet, but I love it! I love teaching reading lessons with picture books. And I use the Whole Brain Teaching Signal too-I learned of it this summer and I agree, I feel it's very effective. AND... chocolate is a staple! Your room is beautiful and I love your window! Have a great weekend!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  6. Chocolate. YUM.

    And love your window as well! What a lovely view! We don't have green like that in my part of Texas...

    Tales of Frogs and Cupcakes

  7. I love your hall pass! Thank you for linking up!

  8. Your superhero pack is awesome! I adore your blog! I definitely agree with you about teaching on the carpet it makes a huge difference.
    I'm your newest follower! I'm just starting out a blog and I would love for you to stop by sometime in you have the chance. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

    Jungle Learners

  9. Love your area of the room and all your colorful containers! Super cute! And I always have to have chocolate or something sweet in my room! Definitely a must!

    Lessons with Laughter


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