Friday, March 1, 2013

We have 300 Followers?? Yay!! A giveaway!!! and Currently

March??  March??  Whaaaaaat?  Ok, I won't have my panic attack right here in front of you (I'll close the laptop) but time is FLYING when there's still so much to teach!!  

But, it is March, which means it's Currently time!!!  Thanks Farley!!

*Updated- how did I read the directions for like, love, hate as first letter of your last name???  It should be first letter of first name.  Yikes, I was obviously tired last night!  So, let's try this again where I am FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS!  like- apps, love- art (clipART) , hate- aches (headACHES)

AAAAAAAAND, we are having a giveaway!!

We are sooooooo excited!  We are having our very first BIG giveaway!!  (Rafflecopters, google docs, spreadsheets, oh my!)

I'm a little nervous about it...but more excited than nervous!!   300+ followers!  Whoop whoop!!  Thank you so much for following us!  You have no idea what it means to us!!  Check back on Sunday for the giveaway to go live!

Oh' boy fourth grade

Have a great weekend!!


  1. thanks for linking up... love your brown-nosing... LOL... that is a GOOD ONE

  2. I love shopping! I've planned out a little trip to 'refresh' spring and summer clothes. I need to organize a little too...but not this week!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  3. Love the rainbow colors in your Currently :) I also need to go shopping. I am so sick of my current wardrobe!

    Fifth in the Middle

  4. Brownies sound really good right now. I think my sweet tooth is kicking in! And brown nosers are so maddening. So are the people who let others suck up to them.

    Krazy Town

  5. Your like/love/hate is cracking me up. I couldn't agree more!

    Teaching In Oz

  6. Just found you through the Currently!! I love that you say brown nosing! Definitely annoying! I'm a new follower. Yay! Congrats on 300 followers!!

    Second Grade Sparkle

  7. I got up early on a Saturday morning, just to enjoy a rare moment of quiet.

  8. Congratulations on over 300 followers. That is great! I definitely agree about hating brown-nosing. It is awful.

    Eclectic Educating

  9. I can't believe you feel like whatever you do it is not enough - you seem to do so much and it always looks like you do an awesome job.

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  10. Hi there, your blog is cute, the give-away sounds exciting. ;)

    The Learning Metamorphosis

  11. Congrats on 300 well deserved followers ladies!
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  12. HOOOOOOORAY!! I'm so excited that you made it to 300 followers, that is absolutely amazing! Congrats! You are the best :)

  13. You girls are amazing!! Yay! I already signed up to help out with your giveaway:) Brownies...yummy! Needing to clean and organize? Yep! I have big plans for spring break. Haha! Check out my flash freebie today:)

  14. Congratulations on 300 followers! So glad I found your blog and giveaway through Currently! I am your newest follower!

  15. I love that you had to update and follow directions. That's usually me. However, the original one was great! :) Congratulations on 300 followers. What a great success!

    Adventures in First with Mrs. Key

  16. Hello fellow Georgia bloggers! I just found you through the Blogs by State linky, and I'm excited to see that not only are you in Georgia, but you also teach 4th grade (like me)! I'm your newest follower, and I look forward to reading more of your blog.

    Eberopolis: Teaching Reading & Writing with Technology

  17. Hi guys!

    Ahh yes, silence is golden. And rare. At lunch, I sometimes come back to my classroom after dropping off my kiddos, turn off the lights, turn on my cute little NYC desk lamp, and just sit and enjoy the quiet for a couple minutes. Then it's off to running around, preparing supplies, making last-minute copies, chatting with co-workers, and snorfing down a sandwich, but at least I've had those couple of minutes to re-focus and re-energize :)

    Congratulations on 300 - can't wait for the giveaway!

    Joy in the Journey

  18. Woohoo! Congrats on almost 300 follower. :) So exciting.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  19. Hope you don't mind..but I gave you a little shout out you guys!

    Stephanie Ann

  20. Congrats ladies!! =) I filled out the Google Form.. I'll be sure to promote the giveaway as much as I can!

    The Resource Room Teacher

  21. Hi-

    I found your blog through Stephanie's blog, and would like to contribute to your giveaway. Congrats on 300 Followers!

    Let me know if you still need help!
    Learning in the Little Apple


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