Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dollar Tree Goodies for Tried it Tuesday......Yay!

Hey y'all!

Amanda and I wanted to share some GREAT Dollar Tree goodies that we are using in our classrooms! I thought it would be fun to link this up to our friend Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper for her Tried it Tuesday linky to show you what we've bought and tried. :)

I went yesterday, and found some adorable window clings...well, I thought I would try them on the whiteboard rather than the windows and I LOVE how it created such cute and quick borders!!! COLORFUL and CHEAP!!!

Then, I found the most ADORABLE stickers ever! Well if you like pets!!!  :)  Now, I could just put these on my students' papers...BUT....I thought why not try them with a writing lesson! So, each student will get one sticker and one piece of white paper. Then, they create a picture focusing on the setting where the animal lives. Finally, they will write a narrative and pay close attention to describing the setting. They love getting to draw about what they write so now they get to write about what they draw!  :)

Okay, the last thing I want to share are these colorful bins! We have been using these all year and they still have some at Dollar Tree. They have been lifesavers for organization!!! The kids keep all of their journals in these so they are ready to go when we start our lessons...no more shoveling through desks to find a missing notebook! Yay!

Do you have any Dollar Tree finds??? I would love to hear about them!  :)

Have a great day!


  1. The Dollar Tree is so fantastic. Love the window clings on the whiteboard!! I haven't seen those!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow ideas by jivey on Facebook!

  2. I agree with Jivey, I love the window cling idea; I never would have thought of that!

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  3. I like the sticker idea- that's a neat writing prompt. I will have to try that out. I still use my grading slider from the Dollar Store, and I have a few other teacher tools I bought a few years ago when I started teaching. I have yet to find a dollar store that has a great teacher section though!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  4. I am always on the lookout for colorful (affordable) bins. I'll have to swing by one soon.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  5. My library is filled with dollar tree bins. There is something SO satisfying about being able to buy everything on a shelf and not spend more than $30! I also like the mini sentence strips and seasonal pencils. You can never have too many fun pencils!


  6. I love your blog! Found you through #teachertalktuesdays. I'm your newest follower :)

  7. What would we do without the Dollar Tree and the dollar bins at Target? They have some great books in our Target dollar bins right now about forces and motion and past/present. I feel the need to hit up the Dollar Tree soon :)

    Who knew window clings worked on the board? That could be trouble :)


    Three Cheers for First Grade!

  8. I love Dollar Tree bins! They are perfect storage for almost anything! Now I feel like I need more lol. You never know when you may need more, right? :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  9. Just went to the Dollar Tree tonight - we just got Dollar Tree last year! I love that you used the window clings on your whiteboard - it looks fantastic - stealing it!!

  10. I need to check out the Dollar Tree more often! The closest one is over 30 minutes away and Dollar General just doesn't cut it! I love the colorful bins and those are some awesome stickers!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  11. I just found your blog tonight...through google. I was trying to find a tutorial on how to make a FB page for my blog. I found you! Thanks for your help!!! Now I need to figure out how to get people to follow my FB page. I LOVE the Dollar Tree. My most recent purchases from there have been storage containers and sand pail buckets. I am having my kids write their bucket list this week. I will attach it to a bucket with their name on it. The bucket has bubbles from the Dollar Tree, Straws, Kool-Aid, a water bottle and beach ball for the summer.
    First Grade Funtastic


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