Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Helpful Math Websites

Hey there!

We are linking up with Jessica at Ideas by Jivey for:

We are sharing helpful math websites today.  (This is a quick post without many instructions- sorry!)

1)  I love Study Jams!

It's through Scholastic and the students love it too!!  Plus, they can access it at home, which I love!  You can search for your topic, and I bet you will find what you need!  Click the website and look around!

2) Brain Pop Jr.  This is a subscription site that is wonderful!  If your school does not have a subscription, I would strongly recommend you asking your tech person if there is something your school can do to purchase it.  It has a ton of little videos for all subjects.  We also have Brain Pop, which I also like, but it's definitely a higher level.  Sometimes the basic Brain Pop Jr is a great way to introduce a topic or reach those kids that are visual learners!!  Some of the videos are free if you want to look at some examples!

3)  LearnZillion.  I like LearnZillion because it has all of the Common Core Standards listed per grade level.  For most of the standards, there are lessons that are videotaped that you can click on and watch.  You can watch it as a teacher to see what the standard means or you can show it to the class.  You can also set up a class on there and have your students log in and complete lessons and tasks.  It took no time at all to set my class up and show them how it works.  It did take a little longer to assign the tasks, but I assigned ALL of the tasks so they could access them if they wanted it as practice before the state test.  I can track their progress from my dashboard.

This is a screenshot of the 4th grade standards.  If the standard has a blue file next to it, then it has examples of lessons and practice for students.  You can see that there are several videos available (the videos are about three minutes long) but you can also see there are several standards that don't have information yet.

4) Khan Academy.  I do not know a whole lot about this website, but I have heard a LOT of great things.  It looks very similar to LearnZillion, with many videos and tasks that you can assign to your students.  They can even create an Avatar and earn badges for doing well on the tasks.  You can track their progress as they go through the tasks.  I am going to study this site over the summer and really learn it's potential, so I can use it next year.  The only problem I see is that students need an email account to sign in with.  For some, they can use their parents' email, for others, hopefully their parents will let them open an account so they can sign in from home.  I will have to figure all of that out this summer!

I hope you found this helpful!  If you have some great websites, please share them!  I love to learn about what works for you in your classroom!


  1. Learn Zillion- you are the 2nd person to mention it and I hadn't heard of it before! Glad to know I need to check it out!! :) thanks for linking up!

  2. I forgot to add Khan Academy!! I used it A LOT when teaching double digit multiplication and long division...somehow, he just makes it easier to learn.

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  3. Love all of these sites! I sometimes forget to check our Khan Academy, but I love it!

  4. I love Brain pop and Study Jams....I have never heard of Learn Zillions but thanks to you I am going to go check it all out. Seems extremely beneficial! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love Study Jams too! I haven't used Khan Academy for my class, but I have used it for my middle schooler. Thanks for reminding me! That's what I love about all this sharing!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  6. Thank you for the links, it's very interesting. I will definitely come to the site. Come to our service and tell the assistant : write my paper for me.

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