Monday, April 1, 2013

Lots of Linkies!! April Accomplishments Ahead, Get Acquainted, and Currently

Hey there!

We are linking up to several wonderful bloggers today!  We are linking up with Jessica from Literacy Spark for her Anticipating the Month Ahead Linky.

And we are linking up with Latoya for her Let's Get Acquainted Linky.

And I am liking up with Farley for her Currently Linky.

We used a "template" just to keep things from getting confusing (hopefully!)



We hope this helps you get to know us a little better!!

Also, on a side note (and I'll try to put this in all my posts this week)- We forgot that we are a part of a blog hop that is going on Sunday (see- my to-do lists are NOT working well!) so we will post the Must Read Mentor Text Linky on SATURDAY this week.  We are really sorry for any confusion this might cause!!  You can still link up on any day of the week, we just wanted you to know if you are looking for it Sunday, it will be in our Saturday post.  Sorry!!!  If you haven't gotten to read about some of the great books already mentioned, I am linking it here!  There are some great books mentioned from some great bloggers!

Have a great week!


  1. Love Olive Garden and Peanut Butter M&M'S!!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  2. We already had our spring break. :/
    BUT this pack rat is learning to get rid of stuff. And it's awesome cause I can actually find (some) things now. Still a long way to go.
    And as soon as I'm done blog commenting? The gym. Which is less fun than PB M&Ms, Yorks, ice cream, or cookies. A necessary evil. ;)

  3. Stacia - love Downton Abbey - love how fast paced it is for a period drama!
    Amanda - one of the saddest days was when the Olive Garden closed up and left, like the entire province!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  4. I can totally relate to both of you girls. I love the Loft, Chick-fil-A, York Peppermint Patties and I'm totally dreading those state tests, too!

    Happy April :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  5. LOVE So You Think You Can Dance! My friends and I went to see them on tour twice in college. It was so much fun. We had our pictures taken with all the dancers. I love the Loft too! They have the greatest petites section!

    Eclectic Educating

  6. Wow, I can't believe you guys have your Spring Break so close to your testing. I know our testing grade levels would hate that. Jealous that you still get to look forward to it though! I love mint chocolate chip ice cream too. That comment about cookies reminded me I ordered cookie dough and I have left it in the school freezer for several days now. I can't seem to remember it before coming home! I need a way to manage "to do" tasks too... Thanks for linking up!

    Literacy Spark

  7. Olive Garden and Peanut Butter m&ms are on my list of faves too! I keep hearing such great things about Downton Abbey...I may have to check it out!
    Enchanting Elementary

  8. LOVE So you think you can Dance! My daughter and I always watch! Mint chocolate chip, Chick-Fil-a, french fries, York Peppermint Patties...YUMMY!! I am dreading testing, too. Ours starts in 2 weeks. BOO!!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  9. Love peanut butter M&M's and mint chocolate chip ice cream.......just not together ;)

    Wish our weather was as nice as yours! It was in the 40's here.

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

  10. Love Olive Garden too! I love extra butter and garlic on my breadsticks! So You Think You Can Dance is also one of my favorites! Love french fries-especially McDonald's! I appreciate your comment about TPT and creating products you'd use in your classroom! Well said!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  11. I love the template you guys used for the anticipation linky! It made it so much easier to read. I am glad I found your blog in the linky!

    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

  12. Love your blog!!! Too cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find you. I love just about everything y'all put up there. You must have great taste ;o) Especially love me some Downton Abbey and Olive Garden breadsticks with Fettucini Sauce!

    Teaching with a Touch of Twang


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