Saturday, April 6, 2013

Reading Olympians Pass the Torch

Hey there!
I was obviously confused about when this blog hop was going to start soooo, those of you looking for our mentor text linky, please check back tomorrow! I will post it in the morning. Sorry for any confusion!!  I think I need a secretary!  I hope being on spring break will lift the fog on my brain this week!

So, onto the blog hop!

Get Ready for Bloggy Olympics!!!

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Join The 3AM Teacher, the Reading Olympians, and over 80 SUPREME education bloggers as we take you through a tour of the Reading Olympians Root Study Program!!

When I saw the opportunity to participate in this product review, I was excited because we do Greek and Latin roots in our district instead of spelling.  I was hoping for a resource that would provide more opportunities for the students to get grades, along with other activities.

This resource is set up in units of ten roots.  Unfortunately, our district gives us specific roots for each nine week period and the students are responsible for those for each nine week benchmark test.  My district's order is not in the same order as this unit so I did some finagling to get the specific roots I needed for certain time periods.

This did not deter me, though.  I just went to work printing the pages that our grade level is responsible for and coming up with a plan on how I could incorporate this with what we were already doing. 

We are in super review mode for the state test so I wanted to use these to review what we had already learned.  I liked that they were seeing it in a different way than how our other program presented it so that the review was not as "boring" for them.

Here is a picture of the webs that are in the packet. There are 2 to a page and I cut them up and put the ones that I needed together.  I could use this to get a grade since I've already taught these roots this year. However, if I had never taught roots, I would have them paste these in their notebooks (or put them in their binders- whichever you use) for future reference.

My favorite part of this resource were the Root Raps.  Each root has a rap that goes along with it.  We sing a LOT in my class and so my kids are totally used to it.  When I introduced the raps to them, they were very excited!!  I think it just helps them remember skills so much easier when you can put it to a rhythm.  

I photocopied the word cards for each root and then photocopied the rap for each word on the back so they were together.  Then, we put them on rings.

These are two different cards.

The ability for the students to have access to these at all times is very helpful.  In the resource, there are also word wall cards.  I love that idea (right now, all of the roots we've learned are on a piece of chart paper) and I would have had the students create a word wall except we have to take everything down next week for state testing.  However, we may work on that AFTER the state test, just for fun!

I appreciate these ladies letting us take part!

Discover the program IN ACTION in more K-6th grade classrooms as you Pass the Torch!! Get ideas, discover the progression of the program, and enter the Raffle for a chance to win ONE of the three prizes listed below!!

First Place Winner : Gold Medal

  Prizes: Complete Reading Olympians Program
            $50.00 Amazon Gift Card
            50% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Second Place Winner: Silver Medal

   Prizes: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card
              40% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Third Place Winner: Bronze Medal

    Prizes: 30% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Pass the Torch!!!
Click the image below to visit the next blog


Grade 1 & 2

Grade 3 & 4

Grade 5 & 6

    a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. I love that you regularly use songs in your room to teach your students- and the raps included in this pack sound so fun- what a great idea!
    Learning to the Core

  2. Ladies! WOW, what an experience it has been hopping from blog to blog learning about this program. I am looking into using it with my second graders. I love how the links have been organized by grade so I could go right to blogs to read about the experiences of teachers in my age span. Thanks much! Will be back tomorrow for the Mentor Text link up...

    Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers

  3. This looks like an amazing program! I have never heard of it before. Thank you for the loads of user friendly info:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  4. I'm with Holly on this! I've never heard of this program and it looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll need to take a closer look at their stuff!

  5. I am now linking to you, friend! :) Wohoo! I don't know who is linking to me though because the three before me aren't posted.
    Pinkadots Elementary

    I was thinking...we should facetime or skype a duel lesson! Maybe read a read aloud to both classes via facetime and then do the same activity?? Sounds fun and "collaborative"!! Let me know what you think!!

  6. I am so interested in how you use Greek and Latin roots instead of spelling. Can you do a post on your sequence/process for the year? My teaching partner and I are in charge of revising the ESL spelling curriculum and we are kind of at a loss for where to start. I'd love to get a different perspective!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  7. I would also love to hear more about how you use roots for spelling. I spend a lot of time on vocabulary and I love the book I use. I have made that my spelling program. I always found traditional spelling a waste of time. After using this product I can see myself using it for spelling next year.
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

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  11. Great idea! These cards can be super helpful for kids! Except all above mentioned great ideas, in my opinion, it would be fairly enough to give the presents to all children not only for three winning places. This topic is close to me because I'm in process in writing my college term paper devoted to the education in kindergarten, so that I'm truly thankful for this marvelous post!

  12. This looks like an amazing program! I have never heard of it before.

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