Sunday, November 3, 2013

Turk and Runt- A great Thanksgiving Must Read Mentor Text for Language Arts

Hey there!

We didn't have five Sundays in October, so we didn't get to do a special link up for just Thanksgiving books, and I couldn't resist sharing one of my favorite books!!

This is Turk and Runt by Lisa Wheeler.  It's a funny story!!  Here is the description from Amazon:

Turk's parents are proud of him, the biggest, strongest, most graceful bird at Wishbone Farm. "He's a dancer," says his mother. "He's an athlete," says his father. "He's a goner," says his little brother, Runt. But no one ever listens to Runt -- even after people with seasonal plans and roasting pans begin showing up at Wishbone Farm, or even after the juiciest turkeys are chosen, one by one. "Chosen for what?" Turk asks. No one wants to hear Runt's answer. But you will laugh at what he has to do to get his family's attention. They are, after all, turkeys.

This is a very cute story about two brother turkeys.  Runt is, afterall, a runt, and he understands that his brother is going to be roasted.  He does all kinds of things to keep this from happening until...he's in jeopardy!!!

In the story Runt does all kinds of crazy things to keep his brother from getting chosen.  This leads great into an opportunity for writing.  Each year, I have students write their own story of a turkey who tries to keep from getting chosen and eaten!  I love to read what they come up with!

This book also has great language in it!  I loved it so much, I made a product to go with it!  :O)

You've got to check out Runt's adventures!!

PS- Be sure to check out the Pin it to Win it Contest we have going on that started yesterday for our Thanksgiving Interactive Notebook Activities.  Click HERE to enter!

Please Link Up!

Next week's linky- Math


  1. This book looks really cute, and I love your idea for a follow up writing activity. I am sure the students can get very creative with that.

    Thank you! Have a great week!

    Fit to be Fourth
    Follow me on Bloglovin

  2. I've gotta check our library for that book- it sounds hilarious :)
    Thanks for the share-
    Creating a Thoughtful Classroom

  3. This book looks wonderful. I've never seen it before. I will have to check it out! I love Thanksgiving books!

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  4. Thank you for the introduction of a new book! Sounds adorable! Thanks for hosting an expensive party! I'm so glad I'm wearing one of my old LBDs! :O)
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  5. This book sounds adorable and I love the writing activity - I will have to save this idea for next year though : (
    Thanks for hosting a great party every week.
    Have a great week ladies!

  6. That book and your entire pack look so fun! I love how you can teach so many things from this one story.
    Hope you have a good start to your week!
    Aylin :)
    Learning to the Core

  7. I LOVE this book! I use it every year. Thanks for the extended learning activities!
    Jamie Swift
    Speech-Language Pathologist


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