Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Blogging Resolutions and Giveaway Winners

Hey there!  Happy New Year my friends!!!

I wanted to link up real quick to my friend Diane at Fifth in the Middle for her Blogging Resolutions Linky.  My blogging resolutions are very simple!

1.  I want to blog more often about what is going on in our classrooms.  There's a lot of great stuff going on, but I feel like I never have time to blog about it or I don't have pictures.  It takes a long time to get pictures and things situated for a blog post, and I tend to feel I don't have enough time to get it all together and get it posted.  I'd like to blog at least twice a week.  One being our Mentor Text Linky and the other sharing something from our classroom.

We do blog about products we have made, and I'd like to blog about HOW we are using them.  I get caught up in getting them posted because we want you to know that they are out there if you need them, and I am bad about not going back and showing how we used it.  I'm not going to say that we aren't going to self-promote, but I just want it to be more attached to how we are using it, and not just the product and that's it.  Because, let's face it, no one wants to just see a string of self-promotion in their blogger feed.

2.  I want to be able to READ blogs and comment.  I feel like at this point I EITHER blog or I do nothing.  I can't even say that I read because I just haven't had the time.  I think my time management at school is lacking or something because I bring home work with me every night.  We do dinner, homework, baths and then I sit down and do school work.  This is why I don't blog or read blogs.  I just can't seem to do it ALL.  I want to read blogs because there are so many wonderful bloggers sharing ideas!  If I do get to read, it's usually because we are in the car (I'm not driving!) and I am reading on my Bloglovin app.  I can't seem to comment using that, so I read, but I don't comment.

I know how much it means to me to get comments, especially after spending an hour or two (yes, it still takes me that long) to write a good post, so I know I should comment more.  Plus, the relationships you can build by commenting and starting a conversation are amazing!  I have made some good friends over the last year, but that was when I was commenting and the blogger was responding.  If you like a post or appreciate something shared, it's always nice to say that to the blogger.  :O)

And so, that's it.  Two resolutions, but for me they are pretty weighty and they will be a challenge.  

And, onto some lighter news!  Giveaway winners!!  

I could have made cute buttons, but this was already done for me and I figure, a winner is a winner, right?  ;O)

Ladies, I have emailed you!  If you didn't receive an email from me, please leave your email below!

And to those that didn't win...I'm sorry!!!  We still love you!!! (I know that's really know consolation prize, but we do!)


  1. Congratulations to the winners. We were all winners because we all won the great ideas/activities from the blog hop!

  2. I agree! I do a lot of reading on my bloglovin app because it is so much more convenient and then I never comment on there because I can't figure it out. We are going to figure this mess out together. Happy 2014!


  3. Ladies~
    I love your resolutions! They are pretty similar to mine. I've already started to try and be better about commenting on posts that I've read over the past week that we have been off of school. I still have to write my post and link up my resolutions.
    Happy New Year!

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  4. I feel like we could be twins. Triplets? I totally agree with your resolutions and your reasons. I get so caught up in what I'm teaching that I forget to take pictures, and then I feel like I need them to make the blog post interesting. And while I also like to post occasionally about my products, I really think it's way more worthwhile to talk about how they work, what worked and what I'd change next time. That's what I find invaluable when I read other posts.
    So, here's to some changes in 2014! Let's keep each other accountable!

  5. Love your resolutions! Sometimes, I don't want to ruin the moment by taking a picture, but then I end up with too few pictures. "Owning" what you blog about and create - perfect! I couldn't have said it better.

  6. I have the same problem with the Bloglovin app so I can only comment when I'm home. I have the same resolution! :) Your other resolution is a great one too and I always think about how I need to post more content. Time is just such a factor! Happy New Year, friends! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  7. I think I hear a common resolution needing more time! I constantly forget to take pictures. Or better yet the day I want to try something new or use my newest TpT product I have to be out! I downloaded your freebie Minty Multiplication but I had to give it to my sub to use so no pictures. The kids said it was fun! So thank you for the freebie!

  8. I hate that Bloglovin' app! What's the point if you can't read a few posts and comment while you're waiting at the dentist's office for the novocaine to take effect?! Not that I've had any experience with this ;)

  9. I do love when you share pictures from your class - and as you may know I get caught up looking around the picture that I often miss the point of the picture and focus on other cool aspects of your room that I want to copy!! All the best to you ladies in 2014 - even if you blog only once a month I would be waiting to read it with a smile!!

  10. I think I have the opposite problem! I'm always reading and commenting that I run out of time to write my own blog posts! And then sometimes the week gets so busy and I'm behind in everything. It's hard to find a balance! I love reading what you gals post! So don't doubt yourselves too much!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  11. Happy New Year Amanda & Stacia! I think we're all in the same's hard to keep balance. We need to keep each other on track! I know we've talked about how long it takes us to post...I'm going to try my best to schedule posts in advance, maybe that will help me!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  12. Thank you ever so much Amanda and Stacia! We are doing a remodel on a house and wanted to order some new ceiling fans and range hood so the gift card will most definitely come in handy. Happy New Year and thanks again ever so much.

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We love comments!! Like, super love them!! We like to reply by email (so you can see our response and we can chat back and forth) so please make sure that option is turned on in your profile settings or leave your email address here! Thanks again for taking time to comment!! It means a lot!!