Monday, January 20, 2014

New Look- Blog Redesign

Hey there!  Did you check in with us yesterday for our Mentor Text Linky?  Did you wonder if you were in the wrong place?  ;O)

You weren't!!  Megan from A Bird in Hand Blog Designs and I Teach What's Your Superpower gave us an awesome makeover!!

A Bird in Hand Designs

What do you think?

From this:

to this:

We loved our dots but we wanted an update!  What do you think?  Do you like it?  

Isn't Megan AMAZING??  She has infinite patience with teacher bloggers who are OCD and think they know what they want plus an incredible talent to make it even better than what we imagined!!  If you need a blog design, we HIGHLY recommend her!  Thanks Megan!!


  1. I love the re-design - it looks lovely! It keeps all the fun without too much "busy-ness". I have been thinking about taking a leap and getting Megan to do my blog too. Just need to take the plunge I guess! :)

  2. Amanda & Stacia,

    I absolutely love your new blog design! The glitter adds a feminine touch and brightens up the page! I am currently getting my blog designed by Megan over at a Bird In Hand Designs, and I would also say that she is a miracle worker! I had a color scheme in mind and she has been doing everything she can to create my vision even with my bit of OCD coming through haha... my blog design isn't complete yet and I still would recommend her to others! My design should be complete by mid-week... I'd love to see what you both think when it's complete!
    I is for Inspire

  3. Looks great! It is so fun to get a redesign!


  4. I just had my blog redesigned this weekend too! So much fun and makes everything so fresh! Yours is super cute and sparkly!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  5. What a great new look! I love the touch of "sparkle"!
    Crafting Connections

  6. I <3 Megan!! She did a great job and I love the peek of glitter in the background. I'm just a raccoon though...I love anything sparkly!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  7. The re-design looks great! I love the colors. They are cute and bright, but not overwhelming. Megan is fabulous. She just finished my new design last week and I LOVE it.

    Congrats on the new look!

    Compassionate Teacher

  8. Delightful design! I like the new picture, too!

  9. I love the design...such great colors! Megan does such a wonderful job!

  10. Love the glitter and chevron! So cute!

  11. It looks great! I love the sparkles. And I love how it is still "you." Megan did mine this summer, and I love it!

  12. I'm in love with this sparkly chevron background. I want it in other colors!!

  13. Absolutely love it! It fits you both beautifully!!

  14. I'm in love with your new blog, girls! SO cute!

    Lucky to Be in First

  15. I love it!!! I love how the colors are still the same, it still looks so YOU (as in both of you!)

  16. This looks great! Now I want one.

    Seriously, this looks really nice and banner with you other S.M. icons is really nice.
    Just curious, but how much of a hands-on approach do you get when you do this? Inquiring minds want to know.


  17. You guys made great choices. Looks lovely!
    My Second Sense

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This is such trouble because I have been getting the bug to change my blog design too! I love the new design style!


  20. Absolutely love it! Just enough sparkle and cuteness, but still clean and easy on the eyes!!

  21. Loving the bling!! She did mine, too. I love how clean your new one looks... she may ignore me now cause I see a blog redesign in my future!! Great vision gals!!


  22. I love the new design! Whats not to love about chevron. Its nice and clean..

    Blessings of a Teacher

  23. I love your new design!! The sparkly chevron is the BOMB!!! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  24. Love the blog design, ladies! My favorite? The "return to top" button! I wish every website had that!

    Real Teachers Learn

  25. Love the new look! Fun yet classy. I too like the "return to top" button.
    On the Trail of Learning


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