Monday, January 6, 2014

Pin it to win it winners!

Hey there!!

If you went back to school today, I hope you had a great day back!  We went back for a teacher work day and then found out we don't have school tomorrow because of record low temperatures in Georgia!  It's going to get down to 6 degrees!!  Our poor kiddos most likely don't have the correct outerwear for this kind of weather and I can't imagine them having to stand outside and wait on the bus in this cold!  I'm glad they closed schools tomorrow, even if we do have to make it up!

I have no idea how those of you in the north that see these temps often handle it!!  Bless you!!  It's so cold!!!!  Brrrrrr!!

Anywho, onto winners of our Causes of the American Revolution Articles and Activities!

If you missed this post on how we use them, you can click HERE to learn more!

So, our winners are Miss Knights and Jackie Jenkins!  You have been emailed ladies!

I can't thank you all enough for pinning this for me, for your interest in this product, and for your sweet comments!  It really means a lot!!!  Thanks for reading our blog!!!


  1. Stay warm down there. We did not have school today (South Dakota) as our temp this morning with the windchill was -40 degrees! Tomorrow morning without the wind it is supposed to be -19 degrees. I haven't heard anything about school tomorrow so I assume we are having it. But our kids have the proper gear for this...

  2. Stay warm and safe! We were out today due to the cold and will be again tomorrow... maybe even Wednesday! Normally we just get LOTS of snow not this bone-chilling cold! Brrr! I even hung blankets over the windows/curtains to help keep out the extra draft. Looks terrible but works:) We won't have to make up any days unless we go over five; we have that many built into our yearly calendar. However, if we don't use the five "snow" days they aren't marked off; we still attend classes... sigh.

  3. I'm with ya! My southern body doesn't know what too do with this type of weather. Not quite as cold here in SC. But wind chills are about 8 tomorrow morning!

  4. Home today in Wisconsin:) I don't there is gear for -30 unless you are a professional mountain climber ! Stay warm everyone!

  5. Home today in Wisconsin:) I don't there is gear for -30 unless you are a professional mountain climber ! Stay warm everyone!


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