Saturday, April 26, 2014

Surviving Spring to Welcome Summer! Freebies and Prizes

I can't believe it's already the end of April and almost May! Amanda and I are here to share with you a fun tip for surviving the end of the school year. We only have 19 days left!!!  I can't believe how the time has flown by! 

My BBBs and I want to share some tips of how we make it through the rest of the year (with some freebies AND a chance to win one of three TPT gift certificates or a Classroom Friendly Supplies Pencil Sharpener)!

Every year, we LOVE to countdown the last 26 days of school with our students. We use an ABC countdown calendar to do this. Each day has a special letter treat! We have already celebrated "Candy Day" for "C" and "Drawing Day" for "D." But, one day that is always A LOT of FUN is "P" day! For Popsicles! Who doesn't LOOOOOOVE popsicles??!!  And besides just eating a delicious popsicle, we also fill the day with awesome popsicle activities such as creating our own popsicle flavor!!!

Here is a Grammar themed popsicle freebie to use with your students, and if you want even more ideas, PLEASE check out our Summer Themed Popsicle Unit- filled with engaging and meaningful popsicle activities!

After entering my secret code below in the Rafflecopter, continue the hop with I Love My Classroom

a Rafflecopter giveaway
P.S.- I am also linking up with my BBB Joanne for her Sparking Student Motivation Linky! Please go check out all the awesome ideas on her blog! Happy Saturday!!!

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