Sunday, April 13, 2014

What if you had Animal Teeth? {Must Read Science Mentor Text}

Hey there!

So, I messed up last week!  I didn't realize that March had 5 Sundays and we just kept moving right along!   So, now, it's the 2nd Sunday of the month and we are linking up Science.  We'll have to make it up to you somehow when we get to the last Sunday of the month.

So, today we are talking about must reads for science!!
I have a really fun book that I want to tell you about!!
I found this book at the Scholastic book fair last year!  It's called What if you had Animal Teeth? by Sandra Markle.  I am super excited to use it when we talk about adaptations in science!  I'm sorry I can't show it in use, but I plan on using it and THEN I can show you what we did with it!

Here is the Amazon synopsis:  WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL TEETH? takes children on a fun, informative, and imaginative journey as they explore what it would be like if their own front teeth were replaced by those of a different animal. Featuring a dozen animals (beaver, great white shark, narwhal, elephant, rattlesnake, naked mole rat, hippopotamus, crocodile, and more), this book explores how different teeth are especially adapted for an animal's survival. At the end of the book, children will discover why their own teeth are just right for them. And they'll also get a friendly reminder to take good care of their teeth, because they're the only teeth they'll ever have. Each spread features a photograph of the animal using its specialized teeth on the left and a humorous illustrated image of a child using that animal's teeth on the right.

I'm also going to pair it with this nonfiction book:
I think this is a great way to show two informational texts about the same topic.  I love using books like What if you had Animal Teeth? to show students how THEY can write their own nonfiction or informational texts!!

Here are some adorable pages from What if you had Animal Teeth?
How adorable are these pictures?  I love that they make kids think about what it would be like to have different teeth!  It definitely lends itself to why specific animals have specific adaptations!

I plan to use this fun book along with the Teeth book by Sneed B. Collard to learn even more about teeth.  And, not that Collard's book is boring, but I think What if you had Animal Teeth? might capture their attention a little more as we talk about adaptations.  What do you think?

And, our friend Nick from Sweet Rhyme, Pure Reason has a scoot game that we are going to be using this week about ecosystems and biomes that work perfectly with this unit!  In case you missed it, his product is also in this bundle that we have two products in- an Educents science bundle!!  It is a fantastic deal!

For a limited time it is $10.99 from Educents which is about 65% off!  It also includes these other great products so there is sure to things you love!  

And if you have never purchased from Educents before.. they always have a great deal for your first purchase.  Click HERE if you are a first time purchaser to take advantage of a special offer just for you!   

I hope you have a great week next week!  Today is our last day of spring break and then 2 weeks until state testing.  Ugh!!  We are going to hit the ground running!

Next week's linky- Social Studies


  1. Oh my goodness! The illustrations in this book look so adorable. I can see my students enjoying reading it, and I love how the facts are woven in with the appealing format. Great book suggestion!

  2. Hello ladies! Thanks for the wonderful ideas as always! I was wondering if you two would be willing to host a CHAPTER BOOK (only) mentor text linky! I have really gotten into doing literature studies this year with my 3rd graders, and I would love to have bank of chapter book titles and discussion topics for next year. You guys some amazing followers with incredible ideas! What do ya say? (please)

  3. We flipping LOVE that book in our classroom! They also came out with a new book called "What If You Had Animal Hair?" and my kiddos love that one just as much. I like your pairing with non-fiction, as well. Great idea!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  4. I love this book! I talked about it in my post too! :) I also love the idea of pairing it with the nonfiction book- that would make a good close reading comparision!! :) :) Thanks for hosting!

  5. The illustrations in this book are spectacular! What a great book!! Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. Hi Amanda and Stacia,
    Thank you for creating and sharing such great activities based on my books. And so you can get ready I'm delighted to share WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL FEET!? is coming in January, 2015. :-)


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