Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tips for staying stress free and a GIVEAWAY!

Hey there!!!

We know it's that time of year.  Testing.  Finishing out the year.  The kids have spring fever.  It can get pretty stressful!  There's a lot going on and it's often times overwhelming!!

So, how do try to beat the stress?  What about helping kids handle end of they year stress.  We're here to share a few ways we try to stay stress free AND we've got some great prizes to giveaway to help take away some stress!

First up, music always helps me.  It can totally change my mood.  I think this can also be true for kids!  We like to try to find inspirational songs (or thematic songs) that go with situations.  One of Stacia's favorites is from Hercules.

Next, Stacia also recently found that Disney did a weekly affirmation for a while that's actually really cute and makes good posters.  Even if you just show it to the students, I think it can be pretty motivational! (linked HERE)




Last, GoNoodle is a life saver!  When the kids are super squirmy and I'm trying to teach as much as possible before testing, these short brain breaks are the best!

And, because we know it can be stressful, we joined in with some friends for a giveaway!  Be sure to scroll through the rafflecopter because you have the chance to win 4 awesome prizes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and try to stay stress free!!  ;O)


  1. My kiddos are going to love those posters! Adorable!
    Thanks for linking up!
    Fancy Free in Fourth

  2. I'm excited about those posters! I love inspirational ideas! Thanks!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. My kids LOVE Go Noodle, too! I'll have to check out the Disney affirmations!! Thanks!!

  4. Stress is the main factor effecting the state of health and prevents from effective learning and working. But using this site you can get help in eny question you're anxious about http://livecustomwriting.com/blog/tips-for-students-how-to-beat-stress


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