Monday, June 15, 2015

Makeover Madness- We COMPLETELY revamped our Subjects and Predicates Pack!!

Hey there!!  We haven't been the best bloggers lately.  I'm so sorry about that!!  In order to try to get involved, you'll see that we'll be joining some linkies and recently, we found one to get the ball rolling so that we might be better bloggers and creators FOR YOU!

We are joining up with several lovely bloggers (you can find out more by heading to Emily's blog at Third in Hollywood) to do a product makeover.  I thought some of you may be really THRILLED about this because maybe you OWN the product, and now you can just redownload it and I think you will agree it looks A LOT better!

I chose to redo our Subject and Predicate Pack because, well, it was one of the products we FIRST made and we did it based on what we had made years before and still used in our class.  We did try to make it look better, but now that we have a few years under our belt on TpT, we just didn't feel comfortable leaving it like it was because people often buy several of our grammar units because they like how they are set up, and, well...this one just wasn't up to par with the new units we had made.

So, we thought CLEARLY it needed a makeover, we just needed to DO IT.  So I did!!  Here's what it looked like before:

Originally, it was a "Monkeys at the Beach" kind of theme.  Which was cute.  There was a lot of white space and there were pages where when I had originally made the practice sheets, I put two sheets on a page because I was *illegally* printing them from my printer and so I was trying to save paper.  Well, we now know there are other ways we can save paper and so I needed to fix that.  Plus, I changed the clipart and made it a little meatier (in my opinion), now that I sort of know what I'm doing.  Oh, and I tried to format it like our other grammar units.

Here's what it looks like now!
In case you need to see it side by side:

Here are more pictures of what it looks like now:

Looks a wee bit different, right?  So, if you own this product hurry!  Go!!  Redownload it!!  You can click HERE to see if you already own it.

ANNNNNND, if you don't own it, but think you could use it, I'll have it on sale for HALF OFF until Saturday.  Click HERE if you'd like to buy it half off!

So, what do you think?  (It's okay for you to be honest...truly!)

Doesn't everyone love a makeover?  ;O)


  1. The new makeover is AMAZING. Huge change for the better. Definitely meatier looking, and now I must have it!

  2. Look at the little clipart you!!! So cute....and the makeover looks amazing too : )

  3. Wow! What a great makeover!!!

  4. Your resource makeover looks fabulous!!

  5. Holy wow! This makeover is pretty flippin' awesome! Kidlettes are always a plus too! Great job!

  6. I like the photo of the product "in action." I think that is so helpful!


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