Saturday, June 29, 2013

Southeastern Bloggers- Let's meet up!!

Jivey, Stacia, and I were getting a little jealous of all the cool meet-ups happening. I know Atlanta is no Vegas, but what do you say we have a little meet-up here in Atlanta? ;O)

We like any reason to put on a cute dress and eat some delicious food, so we have reserved a table at the Swan Coach House on July 20 at 11 AM to do just that!

Will you join us? Please RSVP by clicking on the button. 

If you aren't sure right this minute and want to RSVP later, there is a direct link at the top of my sidebar. 

Whether you live in Georgia or in one of the nearby states, we hope to see you there! Summer is the perfect time for a road trip right?? :O)

I'm kinda in denial that it's almost July, but Farley says so...which I still may deny...but I'll link up while living in fantasy land...

Elmo- oh my annoying voice that you have.  Ugh.  But the kids love you and learn at the same time so it's okaaaaaaay (in short spurts)

I love summer.  That's all I have to say about it.  Don't you?  :O)

I can't wait to go to the beach in about a week or so...ahhhhhh...I can almost smell it!

July- July and I have a love/hate relationship right now.  I love that I'm going to the beach in July.  My daughter was born in July.  July is summer.  However, I start back to school July 31st (officially but I have meetings starting the 29th).  I also MIGHT have a birthday in July (which is fine...mostly).  July goes fast...and if I'm not careful, school will be starting before I know it.  July needs to go sloooooooow.  :O)

I need to be working on planning for next year.  However, time is going fast and I turned around and June is almost over.  I need to set alarms and reminders in my phone maybe to get myself going!  :O)

Tips- My blogging tip is to be an approachable blogger.  In your posts and comments.  It can be obvious if you are blogging just to sell a product.  If you make your posts a little about you and a lot about teaching, you're more approachable.  And, that includes in comments.  If you respond to comments, it really helps build relationships and people know you care and will talk to them.  It's hard to reply to no-reply bloggers, though, so get that fixed if you can!  As far as TpT products, it just makes sense to make products that you would use, too.  Right?  :O)

And, you have until tomorrow at midnight to enter our giveaway!  :O)


  1. Awesome! I'm so excited about this. I will definitely be there! Thanks for spreading the word.

    Eberopolis: Teaching Reading & Writing with Technology

  2. oh that sounds sooooo wonderful! Atlanta is 7 hours from me, though. Maybe I could talk the hubs into a vacation to Atlanta around then! ;)

  3. Hmmm...Atlanta is 3 to 4 hours from me but the 20th is my hubbies birthday. I'll see what I can do. I would so love to come. :)

    Is tomorrow Mentor Text day? What's the focus subject?

  4. I'm still working on it, too! :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  5. I love the fact that summer is here and in full swing. I found you through the Currently linky. Have a great summer! Oh and have fun at the beach!

    Mrs. Bucaroff's Fantastic Fourth

  6. I'm too far away for an Atlanta meet - up, but I wish I could be there!

    Math is Elementary

  7. Wish I lived closer to join the meet-up, but I look forward to hearing about it! :)

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  8. So jealous of the blogger meet-ups! My upstate NY location is a *bit* too far away to join up with all of you! Enjoy the get together. It sounds like a great time!

    Polka Dots & Teaching Tots

  9. Sounds fun. Atlanta's not too far. I'll see what I can do.
    Thanks also for putting together the bloglovin' linkup. It was a huge success.
    Have a great day.

    School Is a Happy Place

  10. I'm so bummed that the dates of all the meet ups around Atlanta so far have been when I'm out of town or tied up for some other reason. I hope you all have a blast!

    room 4 imagination

  11. I wish I lived closer to Atlanta! Have fun on your trip to the beach!

  12. New plan....dear sweet hubby is insisting that I come! YAY! Can't wait to meet you guys! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  13. I live in Atlanta and the meet up sounds like fun. I totally agree with not wanting July to come. I go back the 26th!

    The Gemini Teacher

  14. I want to come to the meet up. That restaurant looks adorable!! I'm with you on the tip you gave. If you wouldn't use the product yourself, don't make it!!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  15. Oh, bummer! I SO wish I lived closer to join you for a meet up:(
    Those are some great words of advice for bloggers!!
    You will have such a blast at the beach camping and happy early birthday fellow July baby:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  16. Yippee!!! A meet up!!! I will most likely be there...gotta check with the hubby to make sure I haven't forgotten any plans. If you need me to do anything for the meet up, let me know (I don't know what you would need, but just in case!). Here's to July going s slooooowly as possible! :)

    -Amanda @


  17. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the July Currently! I have been looking at some of your older posts about Mentor Sentences and I just purchased Everyday Editing in order to start implementing that into my writing next year. I am nervous, but excited. Your posts about it were super informative, thanks!

    Oh, and I listen to Elmo a lot too :)
    Come and check out my current Currently!

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  18. After you guys have a blast this weekend you should all plan to come up to Greenville and do it all over again :-) I'm super excited that I can actually make it to that one.

    Greenville blogger meet up

    room 4 imagination


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