Sunday, January 19, 2014

Light and Color {Mentor Text Linky}

Happy Sunday to Everyone!

I've got a new book to share with you for our Must Read Mentor Text Linky. Today's topic is Science.

I LOVE teaching Science, and I especially love teaching it using my favorite mentor texts! Well, my students and I are moving in to a unit on light so I thought that I would share a great informational book I have that is filled with wonderful photographs and examples. It is from a series called "Straightforward Science."

Light and Color 

This book covers the topics of where light comes from, shadows, light and materials, bending light, and much more! I don't read the whole book straight through with my students. Instead, I pick and choose certain pages to share with them depending on the skill we are covering during that lesson. 

Last year, for example, I photocopied one of the pages and shrunk it down on the copier so that my students could paste it into their science notebooks. Then, together we used that page to take our interactive notes. I LOVE interactive note taking! :)

Here are some examples of what the pages look like. They have headings, photographs, captions, diagrams, and ideas for investigation!

I really love that there is a glossary at the back because it is a great resource for me and my students! One fun thing I like to do sometimes is have my students create their own glossaries in their science notebooks, so this would be a fantastic tool to help them add to their glossaries. 

I am currently working on creating a unit about light....with articles and interactive flip books and if you teach about this, please stay tuned....   :)

I would love to hear what Science books are your favorites, and what you are using right now! Please link up with us!  

Have a wonderful weekend!

Next week's linky- Social Studies


  1. I love that you don't read the book straight through. It shows students that some books don't need to be read from page 1 to the end. Great idea for using it in the science notebook for interactive note taking.
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  2. I am so glad you shared this book. Our fifth graders will be studying light soon, so I'll pull this one to use in my classroom to support their science learning. I love the suggestion for IN too. I just bought these great NF books from Ollie's (If you have one near you, avoid the book aisle if you want to keep your $$). I think pulling from them key pages and using a foldable on the opposite page to frame the information is a great idea.

  3. Umm, did I miss something! Your blog looks amazing (not that it did not look amazing before!)!! I have been reading blog posts on my phone so I don't know if it is new but I love it. I was thinking about updating mine and then kind of put it off but now I am thinking, hmmm! Love it! Sorry great book too : )

  4. I am loving the new blog design!! It's fantastic!!
    A Tall Drink of Water


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