Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cloud Dance Science Mentor Text

Happy Sunday, Everyone!

We are very excited to be hosting our mentor text linky focusing on science this week! Please link up your favorite science texts with us! :)

This week I want to share a beautiful book with you- Cloud Dance by Thomas Locker

The illustrations in this book will make you fall in love with it. They are INCREDIBLE! And the students LOVE them! 

Teaching about weather is always exciting and engaging for students because they experience it every day. They see it, hear it, feel it, live it. So when we talk about clouds, they have a lot of schema. They know that dark clouds mean rain or a storm and they know that very little clouds means they are in for a sunny day. So how do you take clouds a step further and discuss the different kinds and types? 

When I started teaching about clouds last year, I found this book. It became the perfect way to introduce and review my unit on clouds. The language that Locker uses is fabulous. He weaves a poem through all types of clouds. And his beautiful paintings say the rest. 

My students love this book! It quickly became a class favorite! :)

I created a unit to use with this book so that I could integrate my science into language arts. Click on the images below to see the unit

What science books do you love to teach about weather? 

Don't forget to link up!

(If you have never linked up before you can check HERE for more information.)

I'm so looking forward to see your science books!!!!  :)

Have a great Sunday!  :)


  1. What a beautiful book! I think using mentor texts are so important. Thank you for hosting this fun linky party!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. Our students study weather in fifth grade. I am going to have to pass this on to our teacher. She is always looking for new mentor texts to use too.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  3. The illustrations are so relaxing...that's incredible. You know it's a good book when the pictures control your emotions. :) I am definitely going to check into this book. Thanks, I've never seen it. Also, thanks again for hosting. You rock! :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. What a beautiful book. I will share this book with our grade 5 teacher. Can't wait to read some of the other mentor text suggestions. Thanks for hosting this linky, I love it!

  5. Beautiful serene pictures of the clouds! I love to see what the older kids are doing. Thanks for hosting!


  6. The illustrations look beautiful- this text looks like a great way to incorporate reading with science!
    Thanks for hosting, as always! :)
    Learning to the Core

  7. Thanks for hosting each week!! Stacia, I fell in love with this book, thanks to you! ;-)
    ideas by jivey

  8. I am going to share this with my science partner! Great ideas ladies!!!!

  9. I have this one! I use it for writing, now I have another reason to use it! Thanks!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  10. I think my blood pressure went down just by looking at the illustration from your book for this week. Lovely.
    Thanks again for hosting.

    School Is a Happy Place

  11. We have just been able to substantiate all the technical and vital provisions of interest needed to be made herewith and hopefully it will lay a good foundation. top cardiology fellowships


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