Must Read Mentor Texts

This page is a compilation of the "Must Read Mentor Text" Linkies that we have hosted.  They have been separated by subject area to help make it a tad easier to find something you may be looking for.  We hope that you find this helpful!!

Take a peek around!  Each link below also has MORE links of other bloggers who have linked up amazing texts!

A reminder of what it's all about!!




  1. Love this idea- We just finished our States of Matter unit in fourth and I will be sure to post them... though it looks like social studies would be on deck next week- so glad I stumbled on your blog. You have some great things going on. Keep up the great work- I'm a new follower :)

  2. These linkies are such a valuable resource! I shared them on my Five on the Fifth post today. Thanks for hosting these!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  3. Good morning! I just joined. I am super excited about trying out some of your ideas. Thank you for being super organized and sharing your ideas and suggestions.

  4. Hi there! I found your blog via a Pinterest post and wanted to check it out. Although I am not a teacher, I absolutely LOVE this blog and website! You all have done a terrific job setting things up, and there are tons of useful tips, resources and more for me to help my kiddos out with school! I subscribed to follow you so keep the great info a comin'!


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