Sunday, July 14, 2013

Math Must Read Mentor Texts Linky {Estimation}

Hi Friends!

I'm excited to share another Must Read Mentor Text with you. This week's topic is Math, and I can't wait to see all of your books you link up! :)

The book I've chosen is Betcha! by Stuart J. Murphy Book Description: What do cars, toys, people, and jelly beans have in common? They can all be estimated. Two friends try out their estimating skills and find out that estimating can have real rewards––especially when there’s a contest to enter!

I just found this book a few days ago, and I'm really happy that I did. One of the skills that students always struggle with is estimation. Sometimes they have trouble with rounding numbers, and other times they just forget how to estimate. This book does an awesome job of showing students real world examples of estimation. It reminds us that we use estimation every day, and that estimation is a quick way to find a total. It also shows the importance of mental math.

As I read the book, I brainstormed ways I can use this with my students next year. I think that I am going to use this book to introduce my unit on estimation. I am going to give each of my students a whiteboard and marker. They are going to solve the problems in the story as the kids in the story do. I will use my document camera to show the illustrations so that they can see them up close.

The format of the book has one friend asking the other friend to find a total. On this page, he is asking for the total number of people on the bus. 

The other friend then uses mental math to estimate the total. In this example, he uses multiplication to estimate. (Before showing the students this page I would ask them how they could find the total number of people on the bus. Then, I would have them try to find the answer on their whiteboards.)

On this page, the boy is finding the total of all the items in a store window. I love that it uses a real world example with money!

After reading this book, I will take the students around the school and we will try doing some real life activities- estimating cars in the parking lot, chairs in a classroom, seats in the cafeteria, etc. I think the students will enjoy it, and they will practice their mental math and estimation skills! 

Do you have any mental math or estimation activities that you love doing? 

Please link up your Math Mentor Texts! :)

Have a great Sunday,
Stacia  :)

(If you have never linked up before you can check HERE for more information.)

For the Linky- Please make yourself a SANDWICH!  Please comment on the person who linked up before you and the person that linked up after you.  I know everyone puts in a lot of time and effort to these posts and I want everyone to feel the love!!!  (Haha, see, you're a know...because you are in the middle of the you get it?)  ;O)

Next week's topic- Science

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  1. My fourth graders have difficulty every year with estimation. I love that you will include real life estimation after reading. This will truly the students grasp the concept. I will be using this in my classroom. Thank you for sharing!

    Foreman Teaches

  2. Great book! I'll have to check that one out, I hadn't heard of it before. We recently got really into number lines to help with mental math. Lots of fun!


  3. This book looks great! I am always looking for ways to make math more "real" to the kids.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  4. This book has been put on my "must have" list! My kiddos always struggle with estimation. Your extension ideas are fantastic...thanks for sharing :)

  5. Love it! I really like how it shows real world estimating and the fact that sometimes we can get an estimate on some things versus needing an actual total.
    Love the idea of an estimation walk around the school!
    Linking up later...heading home in a a stay-cation resort!
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  6. This is a great book! I love how you take the kids on the estimation walk around school. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful book text linky!


  7. Looks like a great one! Estimation and mental math are such important skills!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  8. Ah I forgot about this book! Love the idea of going around the school to play Betcha too!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

  9. I love, love, love when someone links up a book that I own but shares new ways of using it. Your ideas are great - I like the idea of going on a school tour to find more examples.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This looks like a great book! Estimation can be tricky for some students. It's always good to see new ideas to teach it.

    Thank you!

  12. What a fun linky! I just started a weekly feature on my blog so that I could write about all of my favorite math literature books. I found your link on teaching in OZ. Can't wait to link up!

    The Math Maniac

  13. I love that you shared this!!! What a great idea for using estimation with this book. I will definitely remember this -- too cute!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  14. Stuart J Murphy has the BEST math books! He must have a book for every math skill, and he gives such great examples to help kids "get it." Love him!

    -Amanda @
    Teacher at the Wheel

  15. Thanks for the recommendation. I think this could even work for my firsties. Estimation is difficult because they want to be right, not just close. Maybe this book could help.
    Have a great week.

    School Is a Happy Place

  16. I LOVE finding great math books!

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