Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hamster Mentor Text and Teacher Appreciation!

Happy May!!! And Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!  :)

Between state testing and being sick, let's just say it has been a stressful week!!!!!  But the weekend has definitely helped! I have a short post to share with you about a very cute, cute, cute animal book!

I am linking up an adorable hamster book for our Language Arts Mentor Text Linky. I LOVE all of the books in this cute hamster series, and when I saw Happy Birthday, Hamster at our Scholastic Book Fair, I knew I had to add it to my collection!  :)

These books are definitely geared to the younger grades, but since I LOVE hamsters, I just always have to share them with my fourth graders. I use the books during my Writing Workshop as we talk about amazing adjectives. The author has some great word choice!  I also love the rhythm of the words!

Since I just got this book (The Happy Birthday version), I haven't gotten to use it with my class yet. But, I think what I may do is create an "Adjective Cake" when I read it with my students. I will make a giant cake (like the one on the front cover) where the students can record all the adjectives from the story. Then, as we read more books throughout the year, we can keep adding adjectives to our cake. It would be like an adjective anchor chart, but in cake form! Yum! And a great resource for the kids to refer back to!

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, Teachers Pay Teachers is having an AMAZING Sale!  Our store will be on Sale, PLUS enter the code below for additional savings!  :)  My cart is WAY TOO FULL Already!!!!!

Have a happy Sunday! I can't wait to see what books you link up!

Next week's linky- Math


  1. I'm not familiar with the Hamster series, but I bet my students would love them! What firstie wouldn't love sharing in Hamster's birthday excitement!! Good fun!!
    Hope you are feeling better soon!
    Thanks for hosting :)

  2. I've never seen this cute little Hamster- but I will be keeping an eye for him in my new Scholastic book order! What a fun way to teach adjectives- my little friends would definitely love that hamster!
    Aylin :)
    Learning to the Core

  3. Precious book choice! Thanks for hosting. :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners


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