Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How would you like to win some adorable teaching supplies??? Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Well, you definitely want to try for this giveaway for sure!!  I was lucky enough to be following C. Jayne Teach on Instagram and when she asked if there were some bloggers that wanted to review her new product line, I jumped on it!

Even so, I had no idea the cuteness that was going to be coming in the mail!  Oh, happy day!!!  I really didn't know what to expect but when I opened the box, I was so excited!!  My husband was the only one nearby, and he was like, "What?  What is that?  School supplies?"  but he was using his "So what?" voice.

So, I brought the box to school to show Stacia, and sure enough, I got the reaction I wanted.  She oooooohed, and aaaaaaaaaaahed!!

AND, I left everything on the table for a full day, and any teacher that came in my room during that time commented on how adorable all of it was!  And, they wanted to know how I got it and where it was from!!

My point is, you're gonna want to enter this giveaway when you see our goodies!

Here are some cute notecards!
Here are two adorable notebooks we got!
And my absolute favorite, that I called dibs for (which probably wasn't fair since I called dibs when I was at my house and Stacia was at hers...but then I called dibs when I showed it to her and although she wanted it too, she let me have it because she's really sweet like that!), the turn it in bin!!!
This bin takes the cake and is waaaaay cuter than the basket I have right now for finished work.  I had to keep my eye on this tray because I'm pretty sure a few teachers wanted to walk off with it!!

Here's another example of a bin that C. Jayne makes:
How adorable, right?

C. Jayne Teach is launching their updated line of teaching products and it goes live on Friday, May 9th!  In celebration, C. Jayne Teach (Chandra) is giving away $20 worth of products!!!  And, Stacia and I thought we'd throw in a prize too, so if you win, you can get $20 worth of products from our TpT store!!

C. Jayne Teach has also updated her Complete Teacher Anchors and is super excited to say that they ship for free and her other products ship for a flat rate of $5!!!  Ya can't beat that!!!

So what are you waiting for??  It's Teacher Appreciation Week afterall!! You deserve this!   Hurry and enter this giveaway!  I assure you, you'll have no problem spending $20 in C. Jayne Teach's store!!  But, you'll have to wait until Friday to see her new line!  The giveaway will end Sunday at midnight!  Good luck my friends!!


  1. Document camera....I can't imagine what I did before!

  2. I hope I was allowed to enter because I did! I love my post its and markers!

  3. Chart paper with poster markers that work!

  4. Laminator, electric three-hole punch, Sharpies, document camera...

  5. Sharpies!
    Karen Rowland
    Adventures With Firsties

  6. Is a SmartBoard a school supply? Because I love it! Other than that I would have to say my laminator or my Flair pens. :)


  7. I love my Thin Sharpie Pens and Post it notes.. of course I can't live without my Coffee Cup either... does that count as a school supply? :)
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  8. I love Mr. Sketcher markers or any markers for that matter!!!


  9. I must always begin a year with a brand new box of Crayolas. The smell means success.
    The Meek Moose

  10. I love love my document camera!! It had made teaching so much easier and funner too because the kids love to go up and share their work.

  11. Sharpies of all sizes and colors!

  12. I love my Mr. Sketch markers for creating anchor charts and writing my daily message during Group Time! I have a set that the kids use at our Art Center too! My favorite color is the purple one because it smells like Grape Kool-Aid! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway opportunity!

  13. My colorful pens! ...and Post its! I may or may not hoard them! :)

  14. Post It Notes! I use them all of the time!

  15. Glitter Pens! I hate grading with a red pen so I use glitter.

  16. What a wonderful giveaway - thanks for hosting, dear friends!
    My favorite school supply would be my stapler that lays flat so I can staple right into the wall :)

    Joy in the Journey

  17. I love my flair pens, but anything bright and cheery makes me happy!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  18. I love highlighters, sticky notes, easy clips, dry erase markers and dry erase boards.

  19. Colored things-- my Flair pens, sharpies and my Mr. Sketch!

  20. Mt. Dew :) Post it notes all the way! I use them and the kids use them!


  21. Flair pens in many different colors!

  22. I seriously can't live without my sharpie markers!

    1. I can't decide between my thick sharpen markers for anchor charts or my document camera! I use both everyday!

    2. I can't decide between my thick sharpen markers for anchor charts or my document camera! I use both everyday!


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