Sunday, May 11, 2014

Math Must Reads OR Projects...

Hey there!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there!!  Whether you are a mother or you are celebrating your mom, I hope you have a wonderful day today!

How is your May going?  May just seems to be a month jam packed with so many things!!  Teacher Appreciation, Mother's Day, the end of the school year (for us anyway), graduations, and the end of extracurricular activities!  My son is graduating from Pre-K next week (sniff sniff), we had soccer tournaments this weekend (my daughter's team came in second after 4 hours of being at the fields and a shoot out...kinda the worst way to lose after they played their tails off), and we have a piano recital at the end of the month.  Plus, more end of the year assessments for our kiddos, even though we just finished state testing this week.  Sigh.  I'm so over testing.  May.  You wear me out!

Anywho, enough of all THAT!!  That's probably not why you are here, right?  ;O)

Well, I'm changing things up for this linky this week.  Mainly because I forgot to go through my math texts to find one to share and because I'm wanting to do something fun in math to alleviate some of this testing going on.  So, instead of sharing a book this week, I wanted to share a project that I'm hoping to squeeze in before school lets out on May 22nd.

So, as I was looking for fun activities, I came across two that I thought would do the job!

The first is from Matt at Digital Divide and Conquer.  It's his Zoo Design Area and Perimeter Pack.  Students create their own zoo and then find the area and perimeter of each zoo habitat.

I love this project because, for 1, it's differentiated.  Number two, it fun.  Number three, it incorporates what we've been learning about in science, which is ecosystems.  I like that students can create their zoo habitats, find the area and perimeter, and then I can go a step further with it and have them explain what the animals they've chosen to include in their zoo need in their habitats and add it to their blueprints.  Or, if there isn't room, they can write about it (or probably both!).  It's really a win-win for me and my class!!

Another option I found in my friend Emily's store from I Love My Classroom.  It's her Zoo Maps pack.
This is also differentiated and another great option to use.  Both of these would give me the perfect amount of options to differentiate this project with all of my students.  I'm excited to get started with it (after our assessments of course)!

If you want a book that goes with area and perimeter, you can check out my post HERE about a book I use.

Now, you can link up math must reads or a math project if you'd like!  If I'm going to change the rules for myself, of course I'll change them for you too!  ;O)

Also, today is the last day to enter to win some adorable teaching supplies from C. Jayne Teach!  Head to that post HERE to enter to win!

Have a great day!

Next week's linky- Science


  1. Thanks for reminding me about these two great projects. After testing I often struggle to keep my kiddos engaged in math review (since we push so hard to cover it all before testing). These two projects are perfect for this time of year! Love the idea of connecting it to habitats. Have a great week ladies. Happy Mother's Day Amanda!!

  2. Matt's Zoo Design (Area & Perimeter) is awesome! I'm going to hopefully be able to do this with my kiddos before we finish out the year!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'


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