Thursday, July 17, 2014


Hey there!  I'm sorry, it's been awhile!  I sort of went to Vegas and lost track of time!  The 3-hour time difference does that to you (which I never got used to, by the way!).   I'm sure by this point you've heard about the TpT Conference that they held there in Las Vegas!  My husband has sort of always wanted to go to Vegas so when I mentioned that I wanted to go to the TpT Conference in Vegas over the summer he was like "When do we leave?"  LOL!  Major arm twisting there!  ;O)

So, I went to learn about how to be a better business person, but truth be told, I really went to meet some of my blogging friends, and the TpT Conference was an excuse side benefit.  ;O)

I'm linking up my escapades with my sweet friend Deirdre from A Burst of First!

I traveled with my good friend Jessica from Ideas By Jivey  who also brought her fiance!  (The boys had fun while we were at the conference so again, very little arm twisting!)  Here we are about to board the plane!

We met up with our sweet blogging friend Christy from Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road, who also came in on Wednesday!  We were sooooooo excited to meet in person!!!  Here we are at the Hoover Dam!
We went to the Stratosphere Thursday for dinner!  It rotates above Vegas and we went at the perfect time!  We got to see it during the "day" and at night!!
The food was AMAZING and it was an awesome experience! When we sat down my husband said "We are SO blessed!" and he is so right!
I know you wanted to see my food, right??  ;O)

I'm getting ahead of myself though!  We went to a blogger meet-up on Wednesday night and it was CRAZY seeing so many bloggers!!!  I met Katie Knight from Teacher to the Core!  She was one of the first bloggers to really reach out and help us when we first got started over a year ago!  She was completely humble and sweet and denied doing anything to really help, but that's why I love her!!  You can see that from the GIANT smile on my face!
I also got to meet Lisa from Growing Firsties but I didn't get a picture!  She is also super sweet and had the kindest things to say to me!!!  Love her!

Now, there's nothing like being in a room full (and I mean full!) of bloggers and hear your name being yelled across the room!  Yep, that's what happened and it was Ms. Molly from Lucky to Be in First yelling at me!  She is adorable, funny, and super sweet!  A bunch of us got together for a picture!
In this picture is Molly, Deirdre, Christy, Jessica, and me!!

Speaking of Deirdre (from A Burst of First), we are like long lost friends!  Two moms with three kids, we were on the same page the entire time!!  :O)
Friday we had the TpT Conference and got a group picture with a my favorites!
In this picture is:  Christy from Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road, Diane from Fifth in the Middle, Joanne from Head Over Heels for Teaching, Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper, Jessica from Ideas by Jivey, Rosie from Rosie's Rambles, Michele from Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans, Me, Molly from Lucky to Be in First, and Deirdre from A Burst of First!

Here is some photo booth fun that we had after the conference!  These crazy hooligans (me, Joanne, Jessica, and Erin from I'm Lovin Lit) are hanging on my fridge!  (Cracks me up!!!  Obviously based on my face in the last picture!)

After the conference we had dinner with more blogger friends and then another blogger meet up with Courtney from Ramona Recommends!  (Which apparently I didn't get a photo of...grrrr, I was not so fast with the pictures.  Something I will do better with next time!)  But, I did get to meet the ABSOLUTELY sweet Molly from Lessons with Laughter!  Love her!
We had a little Bridal Shower for Jessica since she's getting married this year!  How awesome is it that people who have never met in real life still get together and throw a shower for our fellow blogger friend?!?
This is me, Jessica, and Joanne!

Saturday night we went on the High Roller, which is a giant ferris wheel that goes over Vegas!  So awesome!  Here we are, me, Jessica, Christy, and Diane!  Also a picture of me and the hubby (who is terrified of heights but wanted to go anyway!)

It really was an amazing experience!  My only regrets are that I'm pretty shy and so in a room full of bloggers it was hard for me to step outside of my shell and just walk up and meet people!  Well, ok two regrets- not getting enough pictures!  But the battery on my phone kept getting the life sucked out of it!  Next time, I'll have a better plan!

There really isn't anything like this blogging world we are a part of and I am so thankful for all of our fellow bloggers AND all of our readers!  It really is so fun to meet in real life!!

Have a great week friends!  I'm on countdown to going back to school!  Only 11 days left for me!!!!  
PS- If you don't follow me on Instagram, you may want to since I'm way faster at that these days than blogging!  (eeeeeek, sorry!!!!)  Did I mention I saw "Bruce Willis?"


  1. Thanks for sharing your pics! Glad you had such an amazing time. I can't believe you head back in 11 days - hope you have some things planned in there : )

  2. 11 days?! Yikes! That is WAYYY too soon :( I enjoyed all of your pics. Looks like the Stratosphere had better food than anywhere I ate!

  3. So much fun! We enjoyed every minute also. Can't wait for next year. :) Love the pic of Bruce Willis. We "ran" into him too. :)

    Melissa OBryan
    Wild About Fifth

  4. I so enjoyed reading this! I was following along on IG being totally jealous! It looks like y'all had so much fun! I'm so going next year!

    A Tall Drink of Water

  5. What a great experience! So glad you had a great time :) I really want to go next year. Thanks for sharing!

    The Techie Teacher

  6. Vegas was so much fun! I'm so glad we all had a chance to meet there!
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  7. You are the freakin' cutest thing. My regret is not getting to hang with you gals more! Next year we need a dedicated lunch or dinner time for sure!! Thank you so much for linking up =)
    A Burst of First

  8. Looks like you had a blast! I loved following you on IG while you were there. What a cool experience. :) Have a great weekend!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  9. You are THE cutest, Amanda! Can't wait till we do it again. Florida beach house??? Hmmmmmm...

    Lucky to Be in First

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