Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Winners and a Two for Tuesday Deal for you!

Hey there!  I'm here with some winners of our New Nation and Government articles!  I appreciate it so much that you all repinned it for me!!  Here are the winners! (Apparently I said I'd pick two.  I got a little trigger happy on the random number generator!  Oops!)  ;O)
Congratulations!  I have emailed you!!

But do not despair friends!  If you didn't win, guess what?????  I am putting it on sale for HALF OFF today in our Two for Tuesday sale!
What what????  I know, right?  Lots of blood sweat and tears went into it but I appreciate y'all so much that I'm marking it down!!  Take a look!

Here is an example of the articles with the flipbooks:
You can go to our post HERE to see how we use these.

Our second product that we are placing on half off today is our Light Articles!!


I hope you enjoy these deals!!

Well, I am off to Vegas for the TpT Conference tomorrow!!  I'm bringing my husband with me.  I don't think he's going to mind while I'm at the conference all day Friday!  I'm pretty sure he'll find something to do!  ;O)

I'm praying we have a safe trip!  It's our first trip leaving our three kids.  We haven't had a vacation just the two of us in 10 years!  I'm actually nervous!  I hope all goes well!  And, Stacia is heading to Seattle to visit family and then to Canada!!  Please send positive thoughts and prayers our way for safe travels!  I can't wait to share what I learned when I get back!!


  1. Have a great time in Vegas Amanda!! Seattle then Canada for Stacia - when should I expect her visit?? : )

  2. Thank you for sharing these wonderful resources. I was the lucky winner of a Revolutionary War bundle last spring. Since then I have bought at least 4 other resources and now I cannot wait to add these two as well. Have a wonderful time in Vegas and Seattle/Canada. Thanks again for all that you do!

  3. Love the government pack. Have a great time in Vegas!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your light articles! I'm about to begin my first year of teaching as a 4th grade math and science teacher. I can't wait to use them!

    Liv and Learn


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