Monday, December 31, 2012

Helping the Teachers at Sandy Hook

Happy New Year's Eve!

I came across Gina's post at Beach Sand and Lesson Plans this morning and wanted to pass on some information that she shared (which I am so glad that she did!).  You might be wondering how you can help the teachers, staff, students, and community at Sandy Hook Elementary with the return to a new school soon.  Go check out Donna's post at Peace, Love, and Learning.  

We feel blessed to be able to help, even if it's in such a small way!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 New Years Resolutions

We have linked up with Amanda at Teaching Maddeness for

Teaching Maddeness

with Diane at Teaching with Moxie for

and Jen at The Teacher's Cauldron for

3 New Year's Resolutions Linky Parties!  Wow, we'll really be held accountable here!!

Our 2013 Resolutions:

Amanda- Time Management.  I have way too much schoolwork that I am bringing home with me.  I spend hours at night and on weekends doing schoolwork so I need to use my before school time, during planning time, and a little time after school more wisely.  I'm hoping if I can get into a routine, it will become habit.  If anyone has any suggestions, please share!!

Stacia-Organization- I am usually very organized but this year has been so hectic that I can't find time to put everything in its proper place. I have piles upon piles of papers and it is driving me crazy so hopefully I will be able to sort through them and put them where they go. I hate when I say,"Where did I put that?" and I need it right that second. So, I am going to try very hard to organize papers, binders, etc. Anyone have organizing tips for the piles of papers that seem to form each day?  :)

Amanda-  Where to start.  Well, I didn't even realize there was this whole blogging world out here. (I promise I don't live under a rock, but after discovering all of this, maybe I need to "get out" more often?  I'll blame it on all of that extra schoolwork).  I've spent the break blog stalking and have done little else. So, my blogging goals are 
1) Find a way to read these awesome blogs we are following without being overwhelmed.  I LOVE reading these blogs, but I do get sucked in and I neglect many other things (cleaning, laundry, etc.- who really wants to do those things anyway?)  But I learn a lot, and there's definitely value in that!  So I want to keep reading, I just need to set time limits.  (I'm a tad OCD.  Sorry.)  ;O)
2) Blog a couple times a week about something helpful and interesting for teachers.
3) Earn/gain more followers.

Stacia- I feel like Amanda. :) I am so new to the blogging world that I have a lot to learn. My goal is to try to learn more about blogging each day. And, I want to blog as much as I can-maybe 3 times a week. :)

Amanda-  I need to find a balance.  I went through a rough patch earlier this year where I felt like I was falling short at everything (mom, teacher, wife, friend).  Because of my obsessive personality, I want to be GREAT at everything.  But, I try to tell myself sometimes I just can't be great at everything, and I need to let it go, but it's hard.  I still want to be GREAT at everything (and blogging is added to that) but I just need to balance it better.  How?  I'm not exactly sure- I'm still working on that.  My first resolution with school will help tremendously, so I hope that opens up more time for my family.  How this new blogging thing will factor in, we shall see.  I hope I won't let anyone down!  :O)

Stacia- My personal resolution is to be on time! I am ALWAYS late for everything. I think that I need to get on a good schedule where I am getting enough sleep each night. This will help me to stay on time. :)

We hope you link up for the New Years Resolution Party too!  

We love comments and new followers!!!  It's nice to know someone is reading these ramblings!!  :O)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday Freebie

We are linking up with TBA for their:

I shared these yesterday but in case you didn't get to see them:

These are the Nonfiction Summarizing Graphic Organizers we used when we did our Who is Neil Armstrong? book study (you can find the link to that unit here).  For each chapter, we were working on summarizing. I did NOT make them summarize each chapter because that would have killed the book, but we did do it with 3 of them since that skill is hard.  Since nonfiction has different elements, we had to think differently on how to summarize.

We did the top organizer first. Then we transferred that to the bottom one, writing in complete sentences.  From there, we created a paragraph for the chapter (yes, even in 4th grade we are still working on paragraphs.  Sigh).  I hope you find them helpful!  I know that these are simple, but sometimes simple is best!  Feel free to pin these on Pinterest if you like them!!  (I haven't figured out how to put that Pin it button on my pictures- if anyone wants to give a girl some help on that one, I'd really appreciate it!!)

PS- We are new to blogging and are always looking for new followers and blogs to follow and we LOVE comments!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Who was Neil Armstrong Literature Unit and a Nonfiction Summarizing Freebie!

So, I have been working on this unit for several weeks.  It was a work in progress.  I basically created it as we went, based on the needs of my students.
Permission to Pin!

Since the common core rolled out this year, the state of Georgia created lesson plans based on "extended texts" (a.k.a chapter books).  The plans were a skeleton of skills paired with the text.  Our administration asked that we use the text along with the balanced literacy approach.  So, a unit was born because I had to make sure it met the needs of my students.

The kids love these books.  I call them the "bobble head" books.  :O)  We do teach the solar system and the phases of the moon (click the links for our units we created for those, including some freebies).  We do not, however, explicitly teach Neil Armstrong, but I guess that was the integration piece.  Plus, it's a biography, which we do teach, and the kids loved Neil.

Who Was Neil Armstrong?
Our book is titled Who is Neil Armstrong because it was written before he died.  I see that they have changed the title.
Soooo, this is basically a unit based on this book.  We used it as a whole class book (sounds like an anthology to me, but we tried to make the best of it).  It would be a great book to use in small guided reading groups or as a read-aloud for the whole class.  It's a quick read.  For each chapter, there are comprehension questions and a skill sheet.  By no means could you do all of the activities for each chapter, but they are there for you to pick and choose from, depending on the needs of the students.  Here is a picture of the table of contents for the unit:

Also, for each chapter, there are journal prompts intended for reader's response. There are several copies of each prompt on the page.  I copied enough for my students and then cut them into strips.  Then they pasted them at the top of their page in their composition notebook and responded underneath.  Here is an example:

I hope you'll check out this unit!  We used it in 4th grade, but honestly, the book is on a 3rd grade reading level and could possibly be completed together in a 2nd grade class, if your students are reading on a higher level.  Or, if you use it as a read-aloud and you do the skill sheets together, that could work, too.

The first 3 people who comment, and are followers of our blog, will get this unit free!  Just leave a comment and your email address and we will send it to you!!

Now, I can't share a pay for product without giving you a freebie.  So, here are 2 of the pages you'll find in the unit below.  

These are the Nonfiction Summarizing Graphic Organizers we used.  For each chapter, we were working on summarizing. I did NOT make them summarize each chapter because that would have killed the book, but we did do it with 3 of them since that skill is hard.  Since nonfiction has different elements, we had to think differently on how to summarize.

We did the top organizer first. Then we transferred that to the bottom one, writing in complete sentences.  From there, we created a paragraph for the chapter.  I hope you find them helpful!  Feel free to pin these on Pinterest if you like them!!  


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Liebster Nomination

We have been nominated by 2 bloggers for the Liebster Award.  From what I have read it sounds like a pay it forward, warm fuzzy for new bloggers or blogs with under 200 followers.  We are happy to accept and nominate a few other bloggers and extend the love!  The rules say to nominate 11 new bloggers, but I'm not sure if we can find that many (I wish there was a way to search new teaching blogs, because those bloggers need some love, but I'm not sure how to do that).  

First, we have to give 11 random facts about ourselves.  Then, each nominator has given us 11 questions to answer about ourselves.  A= Amanda's answers and S=Stacia's answers.  :O)

Random Facts:
1.  I am NOT a morning person.  Especially before coffee.  
2.  I am a "tad" OCD  (I can hear Stacia laughing), but not about everything.  Just certain things- like I won't use something I really, really like because I don't want to mess it up.  But then I don't get the joy of using it.  I know- ridiculous.
3. I love to make crafts.  Especially personal gifts.
4.  I can sew- but please don't tell anyone because the first request I get is hemming and buttons and that's not my idea of "fun" sewing.
5.  I live vicariously through my daughter- cute clothes, stuffed animals, American Girl dolls- sometimes I think I like them more than she does.  But I like getting them for her (no- she's not spoiled- just loved).
5.  I'm a very picky eater.  So annoying.
6.  I'm shy.  I hate walking into a room where I don't know anyone.  Lots of anxiety.
7.  I love to read.  And I'm not just talking about children's books.  Like, the Hunger Games- loved that series.
8.  I have a horrible short term memory.  Every time I was pregnant, it got worse.  Three kids later- things go in my brain and then leak right out.  I need medicine for it.  Seriously.
9.  I like to exercise.  I just don't have time to.
10.  I love shoes.  And purses.  My closet is full of them.  My hubby has lots of jokes about them.  I don't find them funny.  ;O)
11.  The best therapy for me when I'm stressed is shopping (of course!).

1. I love animals- especially little ones! I have a guinea pig and I used to have hamsters, rabbits, dogs, fish, turtles... :)
2. Being on time is not my thing (as Amanda knows)- I run late for EVERYTHING! 
3. I love exploring new places- I wish I could go on more vacations...if only I had the money  :)
4. I am short and I look young so I often get asked by parents- "Is this your first year teaching?" or "You look like one of the kids"- lovely...  :)
5. I LOVE TO SHOP- not the best plan when you are trying to save money ;)
6. Post-it notes are one of my best friends- they are all over my desk!
7. I'm obsessed with clip art! So fun!
8. I am a huge Atlanta Braves baseball fan- been watching with my dad since I was 6 :)
9. I love to scrapbook but never seem to finish once I start...
10. I am quiet and shy until I get to know people :)
11. Spending time with family is so important to me- I am blessed to have such a supportive and amazing family

Hopefully this will help you get to know us better.  :O)

Here are the questions from Katie at Teacher to the Core:
1.       What’s your current grade level? Why do you love it, and what do you dislike about it?
A-  I currently teach 4th.  I love the social studies curriculum and the cleverness of the kids.  I dislike the attitude that starts to come along from the kids towards the end of the year and how much we are accountable for teaching them and what they are accountable for learning.  It's too much.
S- I teach 4th grade right now. I love the age of the kids- they are old enough to really understand what they are learning, but still very sweet. Although after Christmas, they start to get some little attitudes... :)  I would have to say that I dislike all of the testing we have to do. The kids are constantly testing and I feel like it is a huge stress to students and teachers. 
2.       What’s your favorite coffee drink or drink of choice? If you mention an “adult beverage” tell us how to make it. People are going to want to know.
A-  I love the Skinny Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks (well, the regular one tastes better but it makes me feel better to call my drink skinny- maybe it'll transfer to me!)
S- I am not a coffee drinker- I love my Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks or my herbal Teavana teas!
3.       What’s the best gift you have ever been given?
A-  Yikes.  That's hard.  The one that sticks out is the Pandora bracelet my husband got me.  It was a totally thoughtful gift from him that I had not hinted about our even had a clue he even knew what one was.  He gave it to me for Christmas about 3 years ago with my kids' birthstones and some charms from our life together.  It means a lot to me.  (bless him- he struggles with getting me gifts)
S- I don't think I can pick just one- I would say all the sweet gifts from my husband- he is really wonderful at listening to me and then picking out something he knows I need- like I just got a massage gift card- definitely needed :)
4.       Who inspires you?
A-  My dad.  He is an avid reader and a true life-long learner.  If I ever have a question I go to him.  He is humble and kind and I want to be just like him when I grow up.
S- My family inspires me- they are all so supportive, kind and welcoming to everyone- I am truly blessed :)
5.       What is your classroom pet peeve?
A-  talking while others are talking- and I don't just mean when I'm teaching (but that is annoying).  The little whispering while others are sharing, etc.
S- My pet peeve is kids making little noises- it's so distracting- and my other pet peeve is when kids start talking and whispering when other kids are trying to work or test
6.       Best and worst part of teaching?
A- best- knowing that I am making a difference.  worst- paperwork 
S- best is sharing what I know with my kids and like Amanda said knowing that I am making a difference-  worst is all the testing
7.       Who do you love? Who are your people?
A-  My family, Stacia, Jessica, my Memphis "family"
S- My family, Amanda (don't know what I would do without her) and other close friends 
8.       Do you think snarky things or actually say them out loud?
A-  I think them.  I don't say it in words but you can probably see it on my face.
S- My face may say it :(
9.       What profession other than your own would you like to try?
A-  Children's book author
S- something with technology and teaching- maybe work for a children's software company or design interactive lessons for a children's publishing company- I would also love to write children's books
10.   Apple or PC
A-  I have a PC computer but I have an iPhone and iPad.  When I taught in Memphis we used Apple and I really liked it.  But, GA is all about PC.
11.   If you won 3 million dollars how would you spend all of it leaving yourself only $100,000 in savings.
Save- $100,000
Tithe- $300,000
Pay off my house- $210,000
Pay of my mother in law's house, my parent's house, and my brother in law's house- $550,000
Buy my brother a house- $200,000
College fund for all of my kids and my neice's and nephews-$700,000
Pay off college loans- $50,000
St. Jude's Children's Hospital- $150,000
Set up charity to give children's books away- $100,000
Backpack and school supply for annual giveaway for beginning of year- $100,000
$1,000 for each teacher at my school for supplies- $38,000
Technology training for teachers at my school- $2,000
More books for our bookroom- $50,000
More books for media center- $50,000
Money for technology at my school- $100,000
Atlanta Children's Shelter- $100,000
Atlanta Mission- $100,000
American Cancer Society- $100,000
S- Wow! I don't think I can break it all down- I would really have to pray about that decision and let God guide me- I know that I would like to buy a house for me and my husband and save money for our future children- I would say that a good chunk of the money would be used to help those that need it- I know so many people that are struggling, and if I had the opportunity to help them financially I would love to. So the bulk of the money would go to family and friends who need it. Then I would love to donate money to schools to use for supplies, technology, etc. What an incredible gift that would be!

Here are the questions from Olwyn at Teaching in Turtlepond:

1) How long have you been teaching? 
A- This is my 13th year.
S- This is my 6th year.
2) How do you spend your spare time? 
A-  spare time?  What's that?  ;O)  With my kids!!
S- sleeping  :) and relaxing with family and friends
3) Iphone or Blackberry? 
A-  iPhone
S- Droid
4) Books or TV? 
A-  books
5) What is your favourite holiday? 
A-  Christmas- I love seeing the joy on everyone's faces, especially my kids.
S- Christmas- love all my family traditions and time we spend together
6) Have you traveled anywhere? 
A-  not really.  We went to Aruba on our honeymoon.  That's the only place "far" I've been.
S- to Norway- beautiful!
7) Are you finished all of your holiday shopping? 
A-  oops.  Yes, since it's after the holidays.  But I was shopping up until the last minute.
S- finally!
8) What is your favourite drink at Starbucks (or your local coffee spot)?
A-  Starbucks- Skinny Peppermint Mocha
S- Starbucks- Iced Passion Tea Lemonade
9) Do you have any pets? 
A-  2 dogs
S- 1 baby guinea pig
10) If you were not a teacher, what would you do instead? 
A-  Writing children's book is my dream but I'd have to have a job so  anything but retail or food industry.  I can't imagine doing anything else.
S- I don't know- probably a counselor- but I really would want to work with a children's company writing books or doing something with technology
11) How long have you been blogging?
A-  2 months
S- 2 months

Our Nominees:

Stephanie Ann from Sparkling in Third Grade
Susan at First Grade Friendly Froggies
Bren at The Teacher Diaries
Colleen at Fun and Fearless in First

We will continue to nominate since we can't seem to find 11!

Nominees need to: post about this nomination, link back to this post, list 11 random facts, answer these 11 questions from us, and nominate 11 bloggers under 200 followers (or as many as you can).

Our questions to the nominees:
1.  Sweet or salty (personality and favorite snack)?
2.  Why did you start blogging?
3.  What's your favorite classroom "tool"?
4.  What's your favorite children's book and why?
5.  What's one of your pet peeves?
6.  What's your biggest strength?  Weakness?
7.  What's your favorite subject to teach?
8.  How many teachers are on your grade level? Tips for collaborating?
9. Cook or eat out?
10.  What is your favorite vacation spot?
11. What three words describe your teaching style?

Wow.  That was a long post.  If you hung in there and read all of it, you are AH-mazing!!  Let us know what you think!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Cutesy Christmas Teacher Gift

We just wanted to post to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!

And, of course, to share something I think turned out pretty cute!

Ok, I know you are asking yourself, what IS this?  Weeeeeeeeell, it's a name block.  I like making crafty stuff and I found myself standing in Hobby Lobby looking for a gift for my daugher's teachers.  Well, I started with a different idea in mind but they didn't have anymore of what I was looking for.  Drat!!!  Soooooo, Plan B.  What to do?  What to do?  I saw that all of the glass was on sale 50% off so my crafty brain got ticking.  (This block is normally $9.99 so I got it half off- score!)

Sidenote- I have a Cricut (a die cutting machine).  It's probably the first one that ever came out- I've had it a long time.  I know that there are newer ones, but my little one is perfect for what I need, and it's portable.  Well, the biggest revelation I had last spring (through Pinterest of course) was that there is self-adhesive vinyl that I can cut with the Cricut!  It sticks right on!  Genius!  And super easy!  

Sooooo, back to the glass aisle at Hobby Lobby.  I'm thinking about my Cricut and the vinyl I have at home and I see this glass block.  And it's the perfect size to put a teacher's name on and she can keep it on her desk!  So I grab up 2 (for both of my daughter's teachers) and then head to the ribbon aisle.  Ohhhhhhh, all the pretty ribbon!!  So I grab a bunch of ribbon (because I can't just pick one- it's a problem, I know).  Next up, the scrapbooking section for pretty paper.  Now, due to my more-than-lacking photography skills with my phone, you can't see the pretty green scroll-y paper behind her name.  Sigh.  But I promise it's there.  

So, here is what I did:
I cut the scrapbook paper to size so it would fit inside the block, on the back. (I'm not sure on the exact measurements, I had to play with it).

The block had a plug on the side (no drilling for me!).  I pulled the plug out and slid the paper in.  When it was the right size, I put tacky glue on the back and then pushed it down.  I left the block laying down until the tacky glue dried.

While it was drying, I cut the letters in black (I think they were 1.5 inch letters).

Then, I got out the ribbon and realized I'd gotten so excited about all the pretty ribbon in the ribbon aisle I wasn't paying attention to what I needed.  I got ribbon with no wire.  Darn.  So, now how am I going to make a pretty ribbon for the top?  A crafter's best friend- enter, the hot glue gun (Warning- you may get burned- or is that only me who always gets so excited that I forget how HOT it is???  It's probably just me!)  So, I put the plug back in and glued a strip of ribbon all the way around.  Then I made 2 loops of ribbon, one for the bottom loop and the second one smaller for the top loop.  I glued those down.  Here's another less-than-stellar picture.

The hardest part was sticking on the letters because it requires lining them up and centering, but it still wasn't that hard!  And, if you mess up, you just carefully pull it off and restick it.  No worries!

So, that's it!  Pretty easy, right!!  Both of her teachers loved them (well, it's not like they were going to say otherwise, but I think it was genuine).  They used the word "unique".  I think that's good, right???

Did you do any cutesy crafts for gifts this year?  I'd love to hear about them!

Last sidenote-
We just received the cutest New Year's Packet from Lindsay at If you give a Teacher a Treat.  You have to go check it out!!
If You Give a Teacher a Treat

We wish everyone a VERY Merry Christmas!

I'm headed into cleaning mode (the horrors!!)

Funny Confession Ecard: I get more cleaning done in the ten minutes before someone comes over than I do in a week.

This usually describes me but I can't pull this off with everyone coming to my house for Christmas, so I guess I better get busy!!

With love and best wishes,

Friday, December 21, 2012

Welcome Winter Sale!

Oh my word!!  Old Man Winter came in very grouchy today in Georgia with his whipping winds!!  But, it finally feels like winter, just in time for Christmas!!  

To celebrate winter break, we have linked up with Second Grade Math Maniac and are throwing a sale in our Cutesy Clickables TpT store!  Check below for even more stores that are throwing a sale!!  Happy shopping!!!!

Our first Blog Hop- How fun!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Freebie and Giveaways for New Followers

Before the tragic events of Friday, we had set up a giveaway for new followers.  We are collaborating with Katie from Teacher to the Core for her big

We have decided to extend the giveaway through Wednesday in light of everything that has happened.  We know many people are still trying to process this horrific event. 

We still wanted to love on all of the teachers who go into the classroom everyday and try to make it a safe haven for their students, so that is why we are extending the giveaway.  We love and appreciate all of you!!

So, to get a freebie from our Teachers Pay Teachers store, just do these simple steps:

1) Click to FOLLOW our blog by joining the site. 
2) Go to our TpT store and pick something $5 or under that you like for your freebie.
3) Comment on this post and tell us what unit you would like and what name you are following us under. 
4) Tell us an email address that we can send it to (if you don't want to post your email, you can email us at  

Finally, we will email you your freebie.  That's it!

If you haven't already, you may want to check out Katie's big giveaway- it includes prizes from 33 bloggers (it looks fantastic!!).  Check it out at her blog, linked above.

On top of that, she has nominated us for the LIEBSTER award.  How sweet is she?

We know that everyone's hearts are broken for Sandy Hook like ours are.  Our prayers go out to all of those affected.  We feel helpless and so sad. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Freebie for New Followers

Before the tragic events of Friday, we had set up a giveaway for new followers.  We are collaborating with Katie from Teacher to the Core for her big

We have decided to extend the giveaway through Monday in light of everything that has happened.  We know many people are still trying to process this horrific event. Sunday will be a day of silence for bloggers to honor "Silence for Sandy Hook".  

We still wanted to love on all of the teachers who go into the classroom everyday and try to make it a safe haven for their students, so that is why we are extending the giveaway.  We love and appreciate all of you!!

So, to get a freebie from our Teachers Pay Teachers store, just do these simple steps:

1) Click to FOLLOW our blog by joining the site. 
2) Go to our TpT store and pick something $5 or under that you like for your freebie.
3) Comment on this post and tell us what unit you would like and what name you are following us under. 
4) Tell us an email address that we can send it to (if you don't want to post your email, you can email us at  

Finally, we will email you your freebie.  That's it!

If you haven't already, you may want to check out Katie's big giveaway- it includes prizes from 33 bloggers (it looks fantastic!!).  Check it out at her blog, linked above.

On top of that, she has nominated us for the LIEBSTER award.  How sweet is she?

There will be more to come about this next week.

We know that everyone's hearts are broken for Sandy Hook like ours are.  Our prayers go out to all of those affected.  We feel helpless and so sad. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Freebie link up with Teacher to the Core through Monday

Katie from Teacher to the Core has linked up with us as part of her 12 Days of Giveaways.  We feel incredibly appreciative and thankful for this!  All you have to do is follow us and you get something free from us!  Easy, right?!? This special offer is good through Monday.

In order to participate you must follow Katie's blog (the link is above and below). Then, you need to do a few things for us (bossy, aren't we?).   

First, check out our Teachers Pay Teachers store and find something $5 or below that you like (and if you like our store, you can follow it so you are notified when we add freebies and units).  

THEN, 1) Click to FOLLOW our blog by joining the site 
2) Comment on this post and tell us what unit you would like as your freebie and what name you are following us under and 3) Tell us an email address that we can send it to (if you don't want to post your email, you can email us at  

Finally, we will email you your freebie.  That's it!  

*This freebie offer is for those who have not already received a freebie from us yet (please don't throw things at us!  We still love you for being our first followers!!)*  

You may want to check out some of our recent posts, too, because we have freebies linked there!  And, if you blog, and you post about us, you can get any 2nd item (no maximum value) from our TpT store for free as well.  You can post about us anytime (just make sure to let us know that you did), but you may want to let your followers know about this offer here.

If you haven't already, you may want to check out Katie's big giveaway- it includes prizes from 33 bloggers (it looks fantastic!!).  And, if you haven't gotten to know Katie, you should.  She's super cute and spunky and fun to read!  So, all that being said, we asked her for some advice since we are new to blogging and we thought maybe a few of you new bloggers out there were wondering the same things!

So, here is what we learned:

What advice would you give to new bloggers?  
Get rid of the comment verification box.  It drives me to drink Nyquil!  Pin your stuff on Pinterest!  Comment on other bloggers' posts to build relationships.  One of my blog posts got viewed 1,000 times and the pin repinned 300 times, but nobody commented!  I mean people bought my unit like crazy, but a comment is very meaningful! The first person who finally commented got my unit for free I was so dang happy!!

What makes a good teaching/teacher blog?
Freebies, pictures, getting real.  It's not all flowers and art!  Tell us the drama and triumphs!!

How do you decide what to put in your Teachers Pay Teachers Store?
If you think, hmmm, I don't think I should charge $2 for this, make it a freebie.  Try to stay current with what's happening.  When the Avengers movie came out, I did a super hero math set.  For the election, I did a freebie.  Make TpT units out of what is already working in your classroom!

Random facts about Katie:
*She hates laundry and mean girls, in that order.
*Her son is silly, wild, and wonderful.
*Her hubby teachers 4th and she teaches 1st.  They met at school.  When her principal hired her, he told her husband "I just hooked you up with teacher I just hired!"  Little did he know he was actually going to have a campus hook up!
*She is a mommy to two adorable shih-tzus.  She calls them her flower girls because their names are Poppy and Daisy!

To get to know us better, check out our profile, our Welcome post, or our 12 in '12 LINKY post.  Or, better yet, ASK us by posting a comment or emailing us!!  Just like Katie said above, comments mean the world to us.  Even a simple comment is meaningful.  When there is no commenting, the freak out begins- Is this a bad post?  Does no one like me?  Who am I?  (ok, maybe the last one is a little dramatic, but the first two definitely apply!)

As always, we appreciate you stopping by our blog!  We can't wait to get to know you!
Amanda and Stacia

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Tree and Writing Freebies!

I am VERY excited about the holidays, but I feel like I still have so much to cover before Winter Break! I'm sure y'all are feeling the same way. :) So, I thought that I would try to bring some holiday cheer into my Language Arts lessons. I have been working on adjectives with my students, and they seem to be grasping it pretty well. They know that an adjective describes a noun, and they can identify the adjectives in sentences. So, now I want them to create their own SPARKLING ADJECTIVES!!!

I am going to have each student create their own Christmas tree pictures. I found an awesome Christmas tree made out of hearts on Marcia's blog at I love how ADORABLE it is, and it could be made across multiple grade levels. Thanks for the great idea!
I will even pull out my glitter and sequins and let the kids really go all out with it! :) Hmmmmm....I may regret the mess later... ;)
Then, after they have created a beautiful tree, they are going to describe it using as many SPARKLING ADJECTIVES as possible. I usually tell the kids to use Amazing Adjectives but I like Sparkly because it is more holidayish! :)

Here are some Language Arts freebies to get them started...You could post their artwork and stories in the hall or take a daily Language Arts grade. There is one assessment page too. Click on the freebies to download them from our store. 
Students can brainstorm their adjectives here 

Click to download

Have fun and I hope you enjoy the freebie!

12 in '12 Linky Party + Last Day for the Giveaway

We are linking up with this cute LINKY from Miss Kindergarten and A Teeny Tiny Teacher.  We are hoping it will help everyone get to know us since we are new to the neighborhood!!

Amanda's 12 in '12:

12. Favorite movie you watched:
Oh boy.  I can't even remember the last time I watched a movie, let alone what it was.  I did watch Toy Story 3 with my sons the other day and I was reminded what a sweet movie it is (even though it reminded me how quickly my kids will grow up).

11. Favorite TV series:
I think for this year, Modern Family is one of my favorites because it always makes me laugh!!

10. Favorite restaurant:

Olive Garden- bread, salad, pasta...what's not to love??  And they'll keep bringing the bread and the salad (and sometimes the pasta too if they are doing all you can eat!!)  ;O)

9. Favorite new thing you tried:
Definitely blogging-  but it's still kinda scary putting everything out there and hoping SOMEONE will like it.

8. Favorite gift you got:
Can it count as a gift if I gave it to myself?  I think yes!  I got an iPhone 5 in November after my poor iPhone 3 finally had to be put to rest!!  It feels so good to have a smartphone that's actually smart again!!  I finally feel connected!!

7. Favorite thing you pinned:

It's never too late.  So true.
I love the inspirational pins I see.  They are a good reminder to me just when I need it!!

6. Favorite blog post:
Well, we haven't been blogging long, so I would have to say our TpT giveaway because that is how we met so many wonderful people who are showing us their support!  I know it's not the best post, but it was the beginning of something huge for us!

5. Best accomplishment:
Well, Stacia had started a TpT store and asked if I wanted to work with her on it.  I said I did, but I didn't really put a lot of effort into it (I just had too much going on to focus on it).  But, around March or April, I really decided to try a little harder and I am so glad that I did!  It feels great to be able to share!!  And, I think it makes me a better teacher, too!

4. Favorite picture:
My Littles.  I love this picture.  This was Easter.  I've tried to recreate this exact scene several more times to no avail.  It's just never quite the same as this picture.  I love my littles!!

3. Favorite memory:
Camping- family, s'mores, campfire= happiness!!

2. Goal for 2013:
Find a balance between being: a mom, wife, teacher, and now BLOGGER.  I want to be my best at all of these, so we will see if it's possible!

1. One Little Word:

Stacia's 12 in '12

12. Favorite movie you watched:
James Bond Skyfall- My extended family and I have a tradition that we always go to dinner and a movie the night before Thanksgiving. We've been doing this for more than 15 years, and it is so much fun! We take up 2 whole rows in the theater! :)

11. Favorite TV series:
My favorite show of all time is Friends. I watch the DVDs all the time! So funny and cute of course!

10. Favorite restaurant:
Too many to choose! I love going out to eat! Mexican food and Italian food are my favorites!

9. Favorite new thing you tried:
Blogging! I have a lot to learn, but I'm really enjoying it!

8. Favorite gift you got:
The best wedding present of all- Time with my family and friends! We had a whole wedding weekend of festivities, and guests came from all over the country. It was such a special gift to get to share that happy time with them.

7. Favorite thing you pinned:
That quote is so true! There are always going to be struggles, but it is learning to look for the positives and embracing those special moments.

6. Favorite blog post:
Well, since I just started blogging, I guess I don't have too many choices. But, like Amanda said, seeing the response to our weekend giveaway really made me smile. I am so excited to be a part of this network of teachers and lifelong learners! Everyone has such wonderful ideas to share!

5. Best accomplishment:
Becoming Mrs. Kratzer! Getting through all the wedding preparations AND planning AND making it to the altar! :) I never realized how much work it was! Fun and exciting, but a little stressful! I got married in July to my very best friend, and it was the happiest day of my life.  :)

4. Favorite picture:
I have so many favorites! I love taking photos!!! This is me and my hubby at our rehearsal dinner. It was in a retro bowling alley and lounge. So much FUN! :)

3. Favorite memory:
Swimming with dolphins in Mexico on our honeymoon! INCREDIBLE! :)

2. Goal for 2013:
To be the best wife, friend, and teacher I can be :)

1. One Little Word:

As a thank you for stopping by our blog, we are offering a giveaway from our Teachers Pay Teacher store.  If you are new to our blog, and haven't yet commented, just leave a comment below and we will give you your choice of ANYTHING $5 and below for free.  Check out the link above to see the items in our store you can choose from.  This offer is good through Wednesday.

Be sure to put your email in the comment box and tell us what item you would like from our store so that we can email it to you.  If you would rather write a comment and then email us with your email address and item choice, please email us at

Thank you for your comments and please leave feedback of any kind, including letting us know what you would like to see us write about on our blog.

If you give us a shout out on your blog, you can get the $5 freebie AND any item (no maximum value) for free from our TPT store!!