Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cyber Monday Sale- What's on our Wishlist!

Hi there!!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and was able to spend time with their family!

We are SUPER excited about the Cyber Monday sale coming up on TpT!!  Hopefully you have heard about it and have been wish listing some things you've been eyeing!  I know that I have!  Although there were a few things that I almost just bought anyway because I wanted to plan with them but I've tried to be patient.  ;O)

Have you entered to win one of the five $25 TPT gift cards yet? Today is the last day to enter. If you win, that extra cash will come to your inbox just in time for the sale! Click the image below to enter if you haven't already... winners will be announced tomorrow!

So, what's on your wish list?
It's always interesting to see what people have wish listed from our store.  Here are 2 of our top wish listed items.

Our top wishlisted item is our Causes of the American Revolution Nonfiction Articles.

These articles also come in a bundle with our Important Events of the American Revolution Articles.  If you are interested in both sets of the articles, you can find the BUNDLE HERE.  These articles are great for close reading!!
Our second top wish listed item is our Westward Expansion Articles with Interactive Notebook Activities and Flipbooks.  It makes me so happy that all of these articles are wish listed because they take a lot of time to research and write and it does my heart good to know that they are useful to others!

For those of you who really like using these articles, whether to help teaching your Social Studies units or for close reading, I just want you to know that I've been working on articles for The Thirteen Colonies!  I'm hoping they will be finished in the next week or so, but I'm waiting on some clipart to go with them from the wonderful Sarah at Educlips!  Once I have it, they will be uploaded!

Here is something that we have on our wishlist!  We used Michele's Fall Hundreds Board activity as a math center and our kids loved it!  So, of course we wanted to get the Christmas themed center as well!

Make sure that you don't forget to use the TpT code when you check out on Monday!!!

What's your most wish listed items?  And what's on your wish list?  Why don't you link up?  :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gift Card Giveaways- Enter to Win one of 5 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Cards! Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi Friends!!!  :)


We are so excited for the holiday season that we couldn't help but spread some love! Lots of your favorite TPT Teacher-Authors and I have teamed up to give YOU some TPT spending money. We love you and appreciate you (and we wish we could give all of our fabulous followers some money)!

Enter the Rafflecopter below by simply following our TPT stores, and you will have a chance to win one of five $25 TPT gift cards! Good luck!
We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Teachers helping teachers!

Hi friends!

I know that we haven't been the best bloggers lately!

And, it makes us sad that we haven't been able to blog in a while!  We love our followers and we love our fellow bloggers!

And, this post is a testament to how much we love teachers!

Our friend, Nick, from Sweet Rhyme and Pure Reason is trying to adopt.  As a mama to three adorable kids (if I do say so myself), this is very near and dear to my heart.  I was blessed to be able to have three children.  However, I know that this is not the case for so many wanting and deserving parents.  I was also blessed to become blogging friends, and then real friends with Nick over the course of our blogging journeys.  When a few of Nick's blogging friends heard about his new endeavor, we got together in hopes we could help Nick and his wife with this incredible journey!  If you'd like to read more about his journey, please read more HERE!

A bunch of us have put together a bundle of PURE awesome resources!  These products are perfect for the fall, and some haven't even been released in our stores!  Please take a minute to check them out and possibly help a good friend of ours!

This is 19 products for only $25!!  And, since I'm so late, you only have until Friday to purchase them!

I'm sure you'll recognize some of your favorite bloggers within this bundle!

Elementary AMC 
Ideas by Jivey 
Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans 
Fifth in the Middle 
Head Over Heels for Teaching 
Pinkadots Elementary 
I Love My Classroom 
Fourth Grade Flipper 
I {heart} Recess 
Teaching with a Touch of Twang 
Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road 
Where the Wild Things Learn 

We love all of our fellow bloggers and all of our fellow teachers!  If we can help out in any way, we are glad to do so, especially in this situation!  We hope you'll take the time to check out this bundle!  It's got great resources, and it will probably warm your heart to know you're helping out at the same time!

We hope to be back to regular blogging soon!!

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