Sunday, June 2, 2013

Aesop's Fables {Must Read Mentor Text}

We are very excited to share our Must Read Mentor Text with you today!  About two weeks ago we were contacted by Vincent Mastro, the author of

Vincent asked if we would be willing to review the books for him.  Well, you know me, the bookaholic, I said YES PLEASE! But, then I realized he thought we taught younger grades.  So, I explained to him we teach 4th, but we'd still be glad to review them for him if he wanted us to.  

Lucky for us, I totally persuaded him, even though we only had 3 days of school left, but I was totally psyched because I couldn't wait to tell my class!!  So, we got super lucky, and I (Amanda) got to review Book 1 in the series and Stacia reviewed Book 2.  (AND he's working on Book 3!)

So, picture this.  3 days of school left.  Yep, you know what that looks like for kids and for teachers.  But, I loved that I could totally be honest with my class.  Here's how it went:

Me- Please come to the carpet, I have some really exciting news!

Them- (something close to a groan because the carpet means work) and they sluggishly come to the carpet.

Me-  So, guess what???

Them- Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????  (they look totally bored.)

Me-  This really cool author contacted me and he has asked if you and I would review his book.  AND tell him what we think! 

Them-  (sitting up straight and all eyes now.)

Me- So, I really want to read you some of his book, and see what you think?

Them-  How did he find you?  Why did he ask YOU?

Me-  Because he knows I have the best class and because I'm totally famous!!!  (ok, not the last part, but I did say the first part!  They don't know I have a blog.  I just told them I like helping and sharing what we are doing with other teachers, which is why I take so many pictures.  It's totally a motivator for them!)

So, after all that, we get started.  I had already picked a fable that I wanted to share with them (I knew in 3 days I couldn't do all that I wanted with the book, so I wanted to make the lesson really count).

The fables in this book are "The Tortoise and the Hare," "The Crow and the Pitcher," and "The Friends and the Bear." I used "The Tortoise and the Hare" as a review of all of the elements of fables since they were all familiar with this fable.  

Then, I read them the fable "The Crow and the Pitcher" which was totally new to me and all of the students.  

Short synopsis- Aesop is a character in the book that goes out each day trying to find the answers to his questions.  On this day, while he's out, he meets his friend Crow who is thirsty.  Aesop tells him to get a drink from a pitcher of water on a table but the Crow can't get down in it to get the water.  So, how will he solve this problem???

Ok, not gonna lie here.  

I was worried of two things.  

#1 It would be too easy.  

#2 It was the end of the school year and they were going to totally "check out" on me.

Well, I worried for nothing!  They were totally hooked!  They loved the beautiful illustrations!  They kept trying to figure out how the crow was going to get the water!  And, we were all shocked when the crow put rocks in the water so he could get a drink!  It was great!  

Here are some things we did with the fable:

Sorry the pictures are so small.  You can click on any of them to make them bigger!

And, of course I have these graphic organizers for you as a freebie!!  :O)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
I love that these fables are so traditional (which is what fables should be, right?) but they were new to my students, which allowed them for deeper thinking.  My students and I loved the fables, along with the illustrations.  I can definitely see myself using this book next year when we are talking about the different genres and I know my students will be totally engaged!  These books are great for teaching theme and for students to make inferences about the characters and the events in the story!  It created great discussion, between the students and a lot of analysis of the story!

Sorry my part was so long!!  You all know I'm wordy!!  :O)

Now, onto Book 2 with Stacia!

Happy Sunday, Friends!

Okay, like Amanda said, I was a little worried doing a language arts lesson the last week of school. BUT, my kids really enjoyed it! I was shocked but I think they just love being read to and hearing a NEW story is always engaging.  :)

So, I explained that we were reading a fable together. We started by talking about fables and about some that they may have heard before. Then, I jumped right in to the story. The story we read is called "The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs." As we read, we made predictions and inferences and even thought about what the author was trying to teach us.

A short summary: Aesop listens to a story about a greedy farmer who has a goose that lays golden eggs. The farmer becomes so greedy that he will do anything to have as many golden eggs as possible...Now, I must say, this story surprised me because I never would have predicted (and my kids didn't either) that the farmer would do what he did (it definitely shocks the reader!). You'll have to read to find out... ;)

We used the same graphic organizers as Amanda did, and my kids came up with some great morals and lessons they learned:
"Don't be greedy because bad things can happen."
"Be patient."
"Share with others."

I am definitely using this story next year when I teach about fables. :)

PS-  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO STACIA!!!!  Give her some birthday love!  ;O) ~Amanda

Now, it's your turn!

(If you have never linked up before you can check HERE for more information.)

For the Linky- Please make yourself a SANDWICH!  Please comment on the person who linked up before you and the person that linked up after you.  I know everyone puts in a lot of time and effort to these posts and I want everyone to feel the love!!!  (Haha, see, you're a know...because you are in the middle of the you get it?)  ;O)

Next week's topic- Math


  1. How cool is it that an author contacted you?! Wow! You girls are too cool for school! ;-) Happy Birthday to Stacia! Thanks for hosting, girlies!
    ideas by jivey
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      Xh. .

  2. Fabulous lesson. How cool that you got to do the review! Our standards don't specifically call for fables but I think you can fit just about any text with just about any standard if you try hard enough! ;) Thanks for hosting. I have to tell you that this is by far my favorite linky. I would love to start a linky party but I can't imagine what topic I would want to do. Books are my favorite thing to talk about so I'm not sure what would be left for me. :) Oh well, I look forward to this one each week! Thanks for making my day every Sunday! :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. Happy Birthday Stacia! What a fun experience to share with your students- about the author contacting you- makes it real and exciting to them. I'm sure they are a great class and you are famous! Love the graphic organizers for teaching fables. Thank you!

    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

  4. Happy Birthday Stacia! What an awesome set of books. How exciting for your kids to see/hear about things authors do to promote their work. I am going to have to pick up a copy of these books for the summer writing camp that I teach at, this would be a great activity for them.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  5. Happy Birthday Stacia!!

    I love teaching folktales and fables and really appreciate the freebie! Very cool that you were reviewing the book for the author!

    I was very lazy today and linked up yesterday's post, I will blame the heat and humidity and report cards....

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  6. Happy Birthday Stacia!! I will have to check out these books! I have a hard time every year finding 2nd grade appropriate versions of fables, so I think this might work!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  7. Great post! Thanks for sharing these wonderful texts and how you use them! Happy B-Day, too!

    All the best--
    Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers

  8. Happy Birthday Stacia!! I love the freebie graphic organizers. You can't go wrong with fables and text evidence...a must for the standards at this level! Thanks so much:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  9. Happy Birthday Stacia! I love teaching fables. My standards don't require fables but I include them in my lessons a couple of times a year. Thank you for keeping the linky going throughout the summer.

    Foreman Teaches

  10. Thanks for two more great book suggestions! Wonderful for teaching inferring and theme.
    Happy Birthday, Stacia!!!
    Creating a Thoughtful Classroom

  11. Love your post! Thanks for the freebie! I love fables! Happy Birthday Stacia! And, congratulations on being contacted by the author!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  12. So excited to have found your blog! I am a 4th grade teacher too. I love the graphic organizers you guys used for the fables. I just saved it on my TPT page. Awesome! Hope you'll stop by and check out my 4th grade blog.

    Shepherd's Shining Stars

  13. Happy (belated) Birthday Stacia!

    Those fable books look great. I am very curious to hear how the goose and farmer story ends!

    Thanks for the fable freebie!

    Compassionate Teacher

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