Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tricks of the Trade- Bulletin Board Creation...

Happy Friday Eve!!  I am linking up with Jessica from Joy in the Journey and Becky from Compassionate Teacher for their:

I know that I've blogged about these bulletin boards before, but with testing last week and only two and half weeks of school left, I've slacked a bit on the bulletin boards (yep, I'm a big slacker...)

Here is a working timeline that we made for the Road to Revolution.  This was it at its beginning stages:

This board was made from: aqua sentence strips stapled up, white computer paper with labels I typed for the events that occurred, white string to connect the date to the picture, the dates were printed from the computer, and the title of the board was made from me printing one letter to a sheet of copy paper, cutting them down, and then pasting them to construction paper.  Then I stapled each separately all wompy-jawed (I hope you've heard that word...I didn't make it up but if you haven't heard it, it just means crazy crooked) so I didn't have to measure it to make it straight.  ;O)  This has double border around the edges...cute owls that you can't see...  :O(

And here it was at the end.
Above that board are my Solve it Like a Superhero posters for math problem solving. I just printed the posters in color.  For the banner,  I folded the pennant banner (which I printed from a color printer) and folded them over a piece of string and stapled.  Then I tied the string into the rafters (are those rafters?? they are to me) and just made loops.  Of course, since I was working with a small space plus there's a window to the left, I had limited space on centering it (which does make me a little nutso) but it works for now...

And here are the dominoes that show the causes of the Revolution (hanging from the illegal string from the ceiling- so the Fire Marshall says...oh well...)  I took the black large construction paper (12 x 18) and die cut white circles to make the dominoes.  Then printed the events on white paper, cut and pasted.  Once again, I hung string from the rafters and then put clothespins on it to hold the dominoes.  Simplest "board", ever!!!  And easily interchangeable!  (even if it is illegal!!!!)

Here is a "board" from outside my classroom on the wall- usually just beige space (I really dislike beige).

These are the geometry terms we had to learn (real quick-like since testing was coming up) so we made the geometric shapes with our bodies to remember.  I took their pictures and printed them in color, along with the geometry posters from our geometry pack.  I laminated all of them and then just hot glued them to the wall (which is also probably a no-no from my custodian but he saw me with the gun in hand and did not tell me to put down the weapon so I guess he's surrendered himself to the hot glue gun...)

Here is a board that Stacia put up for testing motivation:

Stacia typed the words and printed in color and then used the clipart from Melonheadz and also printed them in different sizes, laminated, cut, and stapled!  :O)

Jessica posed some:
Questions to consider:
What tools do you use to create bulletin boards? 
Colorful paper (construction or scrapbook), chart paper, die cuts, print outs of clipart, or bulletin board sets.  We cannot cover the bulletin boards with paper because of the grand ole Fire Marshall so all of ours have been painted black.  We can only use border, so I double mine up!
How often do you change them? 
I changed mine per science and social studies unit.  I have two small boards, so I stick with those units.  Math and reading are usually posted up on my white board or on the green board you see by my desk.  Or, in the hall like the geometry terms.  With the strange shape that my room is, I have limited wall space.
Do you have boards that stay up all year?
Only the classroom rules and a few science and social studies posters.
What types of materials do you put on them?
Sometimes it's posters I've bought from the teacher store, most of the time it's anchor charts we've made in class or I've made ahead of time, or we make little posters together to put up while we learn new material.

Sorry there is nothing new to share here...but maybe some of you hadn't seen it before?  Make sure you link up your tricks of the trade for bulletin boards!!


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  2. I love your problem solving posters. Added them to my wishlist! My students have such a hard time with problem solving. I am always looking for a fun and new way to teach problem solving!

    Rosie's Rambles

  3. I love the geometry shapes with students bodies! What a good way to incorporate some different learning styles!

    Eclectic Educating

  4. Your timeline really is awesome!


  5. Your timeline is awesome...I may need to do something like that next year. I just have to find the space for it...

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow - what a wonderful post chocked full of excellent tips!

    I *love*love*love your timeline idea. I am definitely going to do that next fall - either for Bible or events leading up to World War 1 (and maybe continue it further to WW2)

    I also really like the double-border idea - I have not seen that before - but I'm sold!

    I have also added your superhero posters to my wishlist as well - they are too cute!

    Thanks for linking up :)
    Joy in the Journey

  8. love the dominos and the geometry pics. How fun!! We are just finishing up geometry and I am def trying that! Love your blog. We are your newest follower!

  9. I love your timeline!! Wall space is in short supply in my room and I need to try and be more creative. I guess this could go up high above my bulletin boards but then I want to make sure the students can read it...hmmm. I have a wall of three windows almost floor to ceiling and have pondered hanging items on the blinds but I might get in trouble by the fire police:0
    Thanks for sharing!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  10. Hi Amanda and Stacia!

    Thanks for linking up. I LOVE the word "wompy-jawed!" I had never heard it before, but I think it will be a new favorite word. I am always envious of teachers who can make their letters look all askew, but still cute. When I try to do that, they just look like something went wrong. :-)

    Have a great Friday!

    Compassionate Teacher

  11. I love your superhero banner - I was just thinking of making one for next year (I have a really long drive to work!). I love those posters and have them above my math wall in my class. I can't wait to use the term "wompy-jawed" when explaining to someone why my letters are all uneven!!!

  12. Love your ideas! How are you able to print the clip art without the pic getting fuzzy?

    1. If you pull the right, bottom corner out when you are resizing, most clipart won't get too fuzzy. It just depends on the size of the original clipart. If the clipart was super small to begin with, it probably will get fuzzy.

  13. The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way.
    Collaboration boards

  14. Can I get a copy of the files and pics you used for the timeline and dominoes? Thanks!

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