Thursday, July 16, 2015

Teachers Prepping Teachers Giveaway

In less than 10 days, Mandy from Mandy's Tips for Teachers, Jessica from Ideas by Jivey, and I will be joining forces to bring you an awesome day of professional development! We decided in celebration, we wanted to feel like Oprah for a minute and give away some fabulous prizes!
Feel free to enter all three Rafflecopters. Not sure what the Teachers Prepping Teachers Workshop is?? Here are the details:
It is located in Marietta, Georgia at the Chattahoochee Technical College. Is that within driving distance from you? Here is how you can register...

...or better yet, you could win your ticket! Enter into the rafflecopter below!

Maybe Marietta is too far, or maybe you have plans for next Friday already... well, we will be giving our participants some AWESOME swag at the session (think Blair Turner notepad, fun math dice, coupons, Expo Markers... and the list goes on!), and you could win one of those swag bags PLUS a $10 TPT gift certificate if you enter the next Rafflecopter below!

And finally, who doesn't love extra sharp pencils? I know I do! Add this awesome sharpener to your classroom from Classroom Friendly Supplies in our last giveaway!

If you attend our session, you will also be eligible to enter several more giveaways exclusive to our attendees! Here are just a few:
Planner from A Modern Teacher
Geomodels from EAI and Number Line Floor Mat from Smile Makers
Rigorous Reading by Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher
$25 Amazon Gift Card well as a few SETS of mentor texts for your classroom, too! Who couldn't use more books?

We hope to see you next Friday! :o)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Back to School Units are Half Off for 2 For Tuesday!


We are linking up with Cyndie from Chalk One Up for the Teacher for her 2 for Tuesday Deals!

That means that TODAY ONLY we have selected 2 of our favorite products to put on sale for half off! Yep, 2 products are 50% off today only! Yay!!!

So which products are half off?!?  We chose two of our Back to School Units we use every year- Enemy Pie and First Day Jitters. If you haven't read these books, I highly recommend them! They are PERFECT for back to school and the kids love them!  :)

Enemy Pie is one of my personal favorites- it's teaches such an important lesson about friendship in a fun and silly way. This mentor text printable pack contains reading, writing, and grammar lessons. There is a vocabulary chart, comprehension questions, literary elements graphic organizer, a grammar hunt, and more! 

First Day Jitters shares the worries of going back to school- both for teachers and students. The pack we created has tons of activities to accompany this book: pre-reading "jitters" activities, vocabulary chart, writing activities, grammar printables and flip book, get to know you games, an all about me poster, jitter-free jellybeans activity and much more!

Okay, so these products are 50% off today only! Please check them out if you are interested!
Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Please head over and see all the other great products on sale today for 2 for Tuesday- just click the image below!

Have a great day!

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