Feel free to enter all three Rafflecopters. Not sure what the Teachers Prepping Teachers Workshop is?? Here are the details:
It is located in Marietta, Georgia at the Chattahoochee Technical College. Is that within driving distance from you? Here is how you can register...
...or better yet, you could win your ticket! Enter into the rafflecopter below!
Maybe Marietta is too far, or maybe you have plans for next Friday already... well, we will be giving our participants some AWESOME swag at the session (think Blair Turner notepad, fun math dice, coupons, Expo Markers... and the list goes on!), and you could win one of those swag bags PLUS a $10 TPT gift certificate if you enter the next Rafflecopter below!
And finally, who doesn't love extra sharp pencils? I know I do! Add this awesome sharpener to your classroom from Classroom Friendly Supplies in our last giveaway!
If you attend our session, you will also be eligible to enter several more giveaways exclusive to our attendees! Here are just a few:
Planner from A Modern Teacher
Geomodels from EAI and Number Line Floor Mat from Smile Makers
Rigorous Reading by Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher
$25 Amazon Gift Card
...as well as a few SETS of mentor texts for your classroom, too! Who couldn't use more books?
We hope to see you next Friday! :o)