Happy Happy Happy New Year! The weather has finally gotten more "Wintery" here in Georgia- we were at 75 degrees on Christmas and now we are down to 38 degrees! Wow!!!
So, for today's Must Read Mentor Text, I thought I would share an adorable book perfect for Wintertime! I love penguin stories, and this is definitely a sweet one.
It's called
Where is Home, Little Pip? by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman. They are the creators of the adorable
Bear Snore On books- Love all those too! This book is geared for the lower grades- first to third grade, and there are lots of possibilities for reviewing important skills.
One skill that this book is perfect for teaching is theme. There are a few different themes in the story- Home is where your family is, Each animal has a unique home, Always listen to your parents, Never wander off...
This is also a great book for introducing or reviewing a couple types of figurative language. There is a simile- "She was as fluffy as new fallen snow..." There's also a lot of onomatopoeia words. I have students keep a list of onomatopoeia words in their notebooks, and we also have a class chart that we add words to as we find them in our books.
The author uses a lot of dialogue throughout the story. You can review how to use quotation marks and have students practice writing their own stories with dialogue. Using dialogue in writing is something my students always struggled with, so it's great to show some examples from favorite authors.
You can integrate a Science lesson on animal habitats as well. In the story, Pip wanders around searching for his home. He asks other animals where home is and each replies with a short poem describing their unique homes.

You can analyze each animal's poem and talk about why they live in that habitat. It's a great way to start discussing adaptations too! Then, you can have students do a science writing project. Have each student choose an animal and research its habitat. Then, let students write a poem using the facts they learned about their animals. You can discuss rhyme and rhythm and lines and have students model their poems after the author's poems. Or, you can let students write their own free verse poems. I like to include some grammar as well, so I would tell my students to make sure they have four amazing adjectives and two vivacious verbs (or whatever you choose for your students). When students finish their poems, they can share them with each other and compare/contrast the different habitats and adaptations.
I hope you've gotten a few ideas to use with your class! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Happy Monday!
Have a great week!