Sunday, January 6, 2013

Do you notice anything different about us?

Don't you hate that question?  When someone asks me that my heart starts beating rapidly and I start searching the person, hoping I'll find it.

If I don't automatically know the answer to what is different, I always start with a feel good question:  Have you lost weight?  Then I go to:  is it your hair?  your clothes? your makeup?  your shoes????  At that point...I give up.

So, now I'm putting you on the spot...Do you notice anything different about us?

Have we lost weight?  I'm not even gonna go there.

Is it our hair?  Nope.  Not the hair.

Is it our clothes?  Nope.  Try again.

Is it our makeup?  What makeup?!?  Do I need makeup?  (just kidding)

The shoes?  Nope.  

Is it the new blog design???  YES!!  YOU GOT IT!!  YOU ARE SO GOOD!!

Ok.  Have you seen Despicable Me?  I hadn't and then a friend said that we should see it with our kids and she showed us this clip. It's the fluffy unicorn clip. (We got it for our kids for Christmas and have since watched it 3 times.)   Now, if you haven't seen it, take a sec and watch it because what I'm gonna say next will not have the same effect unless you can imagine this little girl.  

Ok, so this was a shortened clip but you can see what I mean.  When I saw our new blog design, I thought this:

"It's so CUUUUUUUTE!  It's so cute I'm gonna DIE!!"

And I thought it in that little girl's voice!!  (ok, maybe we watched too many movies over the break!?!)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU a million times to Megan from I Teach What's Your Super Power?  How on earth she has time to do everything she does I have no clue but we soooo appreciate her designing this for us!  She is the sweetest and wants to do anything she can to make your blog YOU and to make you happy!!  We loved working with her.

Here is her design blog.  You should check it out!!

A Bird in Hand Blog Design

Oh my gosh!  All the dots make me so happy!  I hope you like polka dots, too!!  If you don't, will you still visit us?  I hope so!! :O)

I'll leave you with one more little clip.  :O)

What do you think about our new design??

PS- We hope everyone has a great week!!  We started back on Wednesday but know that many of you go back Monday!  Have a good week!!  :O)


  1. Your new design is just ADORABLE!!! The movie clips are perfect and cracked me up!!! You guys are so much to fun to read and your blog is fun to look at!!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

    1. Awwwww!! Thank you! We love chatting with you Gina!!


  2. I love your new blog design! Love reading your blog! The last clip is the best part of that whole movie:)

    1. Thank you so much!! :O)

      And that clip is the best part of the movie!! (and it will get stuck in your head for hours!!) :O)

  3. Very, very CUTE :) I love the little flowers

    1. Thank you!! Me too! Daisies are my favorite!!! :O)


  4. I love the new look! It is so fun :) I love Megan too--she redid my blog too and I agree 150% that she goes above and beyond to get the look that fits you!

    teaching, life, and everything in between

    1. Thank you! We LOVE Megan!!! She ROCKS!!

    2. Oh, and we love what she did for your blog design too! (but I think I already told you that, but if I didn't, we do!)


  5. Ooh your new design is great! I love the colors! Very stylish!!

    Fashion Craze Learning Days

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you like polka dots!!! Me too!! (obviously!!) :O)

  7. Love, love, love the new look! Makes your blog so much more fabulous than it already was! Your new blog makes me so much more excited to get my new blog design in the near future!


  8. I love the new blog design! :) It just makes me happy looking at it!!

    Smiles from 2nd Grade

  9. So glad you love it!!!! I had so much designing it.

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  10. I love it! It looks the colors and the polka dots! Megan is a great blog designer for sure!

    Craft of Teaching

  11. I absolutely love the new look! I have been trying to decide whether to try a new design or not and I think you two just talked me into. love-love-love!

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade

    1. Thank you Stephanie!! Megan is wonderful!! Check her out!!

  12. Love, love all of these fun polkadots!!! Thanks for the laughs with the video clips, too. I needed it as I prepare to go back to school tomorrow. Enjoy your last couple days off, ladies. :)Lattes and Laughter

    1. I'm glad we could make you laugh!! :O) Good luck tomorrow!

  13. Your new blog design is gorgeous! I love it! That video was so cute! My son, Blake, enjoyed it, too. I am sucker for cartoons, but ones that are funny for adults, too.

    Teaching to Inspire in 5th

    1. Thank you! I know! I love when kid movies are funny for adults!! :O)

  14. So LOVE the new look!!!!! :) I'm going to have to check her out!:)

    Curious Firsties

  15. Where is the "LOVE" button??? I LOVE it! Megan is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

    Teaching With Moxie

  16. I LOVE your new blog design!! Who doesn't love polka dots? Thank you SO much for stopping by my Monday Made It! I am loving your geometry pack and am looking forward to using it in the next month. Your products are amazing and any little shout out I can give on my little ole' blog is the least I can do:) Congratulations on an amazing blog and store!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  17. I love the new design and I actually noticed right away! I definitely need to look into updating and purchasing a new blog design! It really makes a big difference! I absolutely love the Despicable Me clip, my husband and I say it about our two puppies when they are way past due for haircuts haha!

    Sent From My iPad


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