Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to use Padlet~ Online Sticky Notes~ In Classroom Discussion

Hey there!!

I've been wanting to blog about this for a WHILE and I found an extra few minutes (WHOA!  What's that??  I know!!  I should have been grading papers or scoring writing buuuuuuut.....you know...)

I learned about Padlet at an online training I went to and I really loved it!  I mean, I love regular sticky notes, so of course I'm going to love virtual ones!!

The short of it is that this is a website where you can create a wall.  You can pose any question and have students go there and write their responses!!

So, I'm going to show you how easy it is!!

Here is what you will see when you go to Padlet.

You can sign up for an account here. Once logged in, you can start a new wall.
Here are some walls that I have made.
I made this one for when we were studying explorers.
And that's it!!  It's a lot of screenshots but it's super fast and easy to set up!  Then you can send the link to students.  OR you can embed it in your website or class blog!!  Like this:

To embed it, I just clicked on the rectangle with the arrow on the right side and got the HTML code and pasted it in here!  Cool, right?  That way, if you already have a website or blog for your class, you don't have to send a link out.  It's right there!

Double click on the wall above and leave a note!!  Try it!!  You know you want to! Pleeeeease?!?

If you leave a note, only you (the person who wrote the note) or I (the person who made the wall) can delete it.  So,  your students can't go in and delete someone else's note.

***Updated- Yay!!  You are leaving notes!!!  In response to those you will either have to have it up in your classroom for students to post on, send them a link, or embed it on your website.  You can choose to be notified of posts as one of the settings (click on the wheel on the right hand side once you make the wall and you can choose to be notified!)  Thanks for leaving me notes!  This is so fun!!***

We used this in a meeting for adults not long ago.  It was how our presenter gathered information on what we already knew about his topic.  We all logged in on our phones, tablets, or laptops and all responded at the same time.  Then, he was able to do a quick scan.  We didn't HAVE to put our names, but we could.

That's a way you can use it in your room.  Pose a question and if your students have access to computer or tablets, they can go right in and respond.  But, we aren't a 1:1 classroom, so my students would have to take turns, or they could do it from home, if they have access to a computer.

I think it's a great way to do a ticket out the door or a check-in that's different from your average slip of paper!!

(I will say that you'll have to have some rules since kids can just copy one another...once the note is there, anyone can see it...that's one of the positives to having them do it all at once, but that's not a reality for most of us.  So, you'd have to set some ground rules...)

So, what are you waiting for?  Go check it out (if you haven't already!)!  And come back and share all the ideas you think of to use this!!  And, if you already knew about this, how do YOU use it??
:O)  Amanda

Oh, and I am linking this up to our sweet friend Holly for Tried it Tuesday!  Be sure to go check out the other Tried Its for this week!!


  1. This sounds like a fabulous tool...online sticky notes-almost as good as the real sticky notes! I will have to check this out over break and use it with my kiddos. They will love it.

  2. Very cool!! Can't wait to use this in my class next year!
    Learning to be awesome

  3. My class has loved Padlet for the past 2 years. We have used it in staff development, too. I didn't have 1:1 last year, but I would set it up on the computer and have students respond when they finished their tasks throughout the day. Some days it would take 2 days to get to all 30 but we managed! IT is well worth the time!! I know you will love it!


  4. How have I never heard of this? I am using this FIRST THING tomorrow morning with my kids. This will be something different from our daily Edmodo assignment response which my students will definitely enjoy!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. I just tried it out with my phone and my laptop and it updates instantly! Love it! And tomorrow is conveniently my day with the laptop cart so thanks!!

    Literacy Spark

  6. Online sticky notes?!? This looks amazing and I have pinned it to refer back to your helpful screenshots later. Thank you, thank you!! XXOO
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  7. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Padlet! This is the third year I've used it with all my classes. I've blogged about it several times myself. This year I put 25 questions (one per chapter) from "The Coffin Quilt" on Padlet walls and had my eighth graders answer on them instead of using paper.I gave them a deadline for each wall; downloaded the wall to my computer (a new feature added when the site was renamed Padlet) in .pdf form and assessed their work without a piece of paper passing my desk. LOVE this! There are SOOOOOO many things you can do with Padlet!

  8. This looks like a great site. I have it pinned and added to my list to check out over break. Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth

  9. i really want to use it in my class, i am so excited to use it, thanks for sharing.
    pdf to flipbook

  10. Thank for your step by step! I had anxiety when watching the tutorial/ video how to use it...now, I think I get it.
    : )


  11. Premium stationery adds a touch of elegance and fashion to any workspace or classroom, much like the creative use of Padlet for organizing ideas. Premium Stationery, with its smooth paper and stylish designs, enhances the writing experience, making notes, lists, or projects more enjoyable. Just as Padlet encourages creativity and collaboration, premium stationery inspires productivity and creativity, transforming everyday tasks into something special. It's perfect for students, professionals, or anyone looking to elevate their writing tools.


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